M5 Listening
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Listen again and fill in the blanks. J: Is Xishuangbanna ___ _________ ___ every one says it is? S: Yes. It’s _________. The thing is, it’s still very ___________ — you know, it’s got mountains, rice fields, little villages deep in _______ __________... J: It sounds beautiful. S: It is. It’s also got all kinds of flowers and animals — tigers, elephants... J: Did you see any? as wonderful as amazing undeveloped tropical rainforests Jacky=J Simon=S
S: (laughing) I didn’t _____ ______ any tigers, but I did see some wild elephants. J: Amazing! What are the local people like? S: There are a lot of different ethnic groups, but the Dai people ______ ___ one-third of the population. J: Oh yes, the Dai people, I’ve ______ __ them. Tell me something about them. come across make up heard of
S: Well, their language is ______ __ the Thai language. That’s not surprising since Xishuangbanna ______ a border with Thailand. J: Do they still wear traditional _______? S: Yes, a lot of them do. __________, they think it’s more _________ than modern clothes. I think it is too, actually. It’s very colourful. The men wear white or blue trousers, and the women similar to shares costume Apparently attractive
wear brightly-coloured blouses and skirts with silver belts. In fact, I bought one of the belts for my girlfriend. What do you ______, do you think she’ll like it? J: Oh, that’s very pretty. She’ll _____ it. So, go on about your trip. I’m _________. S: Well, I guess the thing that’s most different is the houses, which are made of _______ and built off the ground. J: Ah, so the people live.... reckon adore fascinated bamboo
S: They live _____ the ground, and they keep pigs and chickens in the area _______ the house. J: ______ like a good idea. S: It’s very __________. They grow fruit all round their houses — pineapples, for example. A Dai family ____ ___ ___ in their house for a week. It was a great experience and surprisingly comfortable. We were in a village called Ganlanba, above beneath Sounds picturesque put us up
about __ _____ _____ from Jinghong. J: I’m _____ ____ _____! But doesn’t it get very hot in summer? S: No, because the wind blows through the bamboo, so it’s always quite cool. Actually, we were lucky enough to be there for the _______________ _______. J: Is that a New Year Festival? Water-Splashing Festival green with envy an hour away
S: Yes. People carry ______ ______ of water and ______ it all around them, and every one gets very wet. The water’s supposed to ____ _____ the old year and bring in the new. The wetter you get, the more luck you’ll _______, so they say. I got so wet, I had to change all my clothes! Twice! J: What about the food? S: It can be very good. There’s a kind of _____ ___ ____ that’s quite _____! wash away receive round buckets splash black rice dish tasty
And at a lot of the restaurants there’s traditional dancing, with Dai women playing on _____ ________ _____. It can be quite hard to hear yourself speak! J: I’d love to go there. S: Well, I’m definitely ______ ____ next year. I really fell for the place. Why don’t you come with me? J: Maybe I will. I’ll _____ __ ____. It does sound very lovely. large elephant drums think it over going back