Iso-Strength Iso-Strength is an accommodating resistance program that allows the user to set a target RPM (reps per minute) rate. The resistance is increased to match the user’s effort. The post exercise muscle soreness associated with strength training is significantly minimized. This program is not meant to be used for long periods of time.
Intelli-Fit™ Buttons used in the Iso-Strength program Iso-Strength Fit-Key Pause/Clear Enter Up and Down Arrows The Pause/Clear button can be used any time during exercise to pause the program or to end it.
Iso-Strength To Start: 1.Press the Iso-Strength Button 2. Press Enter There are instructions at the top of the console to guide you through the steps of establishing a program.
Iso-Strength 3. Select the time using the up and down arrows. Time is adjustable in 15 second increments. Lowest time is 2 minutes and goes up to 99 minutes. The default time is minutes. 4. Press Enter
Iso-Strength 5.Select your desired RPM (reps per minute) using the up and down arrow buttons. The RPM goes from and is adjustable in.1 increments. Default RPM is at 35. Remember: the lower the RPM, the harder the effort! 6.Press enter.
Iso-Strength 7. Select user weight using the up and down arrows. The weight ranges from 20 lbs – 550 lbs. If you press and hold the arrow button, the weight will adjust in 10 lb increments. Default weight is 150 lbs. 8. Press Enter. 9. Press Start
At any time during Iso-strength exercise, the user can adjust their target RPM’s at any time. Press Forward Fast Slow Note there are messages provided at the top of the screen during this exercise. At the top of the screen, it will tell the user to pedal Forward Fast. This will last approximately 15 seconds, then it will alert the user to pedal Slow for 15 seconds allowing the user rest in between intervals. This will repeat forward and reverse every 15 second intervals until the exercise is over. The forward only bikes will not have this reverse pedaling option. The 15 second intervals is a default setting. In the user set up mode, this can be changed to your discretion. Please see user set up presentation for detailed instructions. To adjust levels.
Change View Screen Options #1 #2
View 1 Read-outs include: Target RPM’s Time Miles RPM Watts METs Heart Rate Calories Progress Bar At any time during your work, press ‘Change View’ button to move to 2 nd view.
View 2 Read-outs include: Target RPM’s Time Heart Rate RPM’s Watts Progress Bar Press ‘Change View’ button to move back to view 1.
Fan There is a fan built in to the console allowing 3 speeds at low – medium – high. Press ‘Fan’ button on your far right. Press fan button 1, 2 or 3 times to select your desired speed. On the 4 th press, it turns the fan off.
Pause/Stop At any time during your work-out, you can press the pause/clear button below to pause the work out. Press the pause/clear button again and your work out will be cleared or stopped.
Cool Down After your Iso-Strength program is completed, the console automatically goes into cool down mode. Default time starts at 5:00. Heart rate is still readable. Fan options are still available. During the cool down period, results from the workout are given. Results presented are: Peak Watts Average Watts Peak Heart Rate Average Heart Rate Total Calories
Save Results The Intelli-Fit console allows you to save your results on to a USB Fit-Key. Simply plug the key into the Fit-Key slot and press ‘Save Results’ and then remove key. The results are then saved in a text file to upload onto your computer for saving and printing.
Plug the key into your computer and the results are shown as below
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