CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Lost Intelligent Leg Prosthesis Team Eric Iversen Kathryn Lowe Eric Paugh Advisor Dr. Lillevik (EE) Dr. Chamberlain (ME) Industry Representative Jonathan Fant Future Robotics Company
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Introduction Accomplishments Schematic Unfinished Business Plans Issues/Concerns Conclusions
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Transfemoral (Above-Knee/AK) prosthesis solutions: –Single axis/polycentric –Friction lock –Hydraulic/pneumatic –Computerized The pneumatic control valve only adjusts when the user’s pace changes Project goal: To reduce fatigue by simulating a normal gait Final product functions as replacement knee, lower leg, and foot
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Accomplishments EE Design Review: Approved! ME Oral Proposal EE TOPs 0.9 So many glorious parts!
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Schematic
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Unfinished Business Test with mock-up 1 Complete algorithms Ordering pneumatic, bearings
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Manufacturing –Knee, brackets, foot Assembly Calibration, testing, and re-testing
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal 10/30/05 Previous 11/28/05 Present 01/30/06 1Product Approval10/04/05 2Plan Approval11/18/0511/21/05 3Mock-Up 1 Built11/25/0502/02/06 4Parts Chosen11/25/0502/02/06 5Design Review12/09/0502/08/06 6Mock-Up 2 Built01/25/06 02/28/06 7TOP’s Approval02/24/06 03/10/06 8Knee, Leg and Foot Manufactured02/15/0603/05/0603/13/06 9 Parts Integrated & Functional (Prototype Release) 03/15/0603/25/06 10Founder’s Day04/11/06 11Final Report04/28/06
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues Finding small enough bearings for the right price Foot covering Appropriate pneumatic Behind schedule
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Conclusions Intelligent leg prosthesis Parts!!! TOPs 0.9 Behind schedule Time to build and test
CS-EE 481 Spring February, 2006 University of Portland School of Engineering Questions?