Hydroelectric Company Spokesperson
Why I'm Here I work for Hydro North and am in charge of finding new places for hydro electric power plants. This job can be hard because hydroelectricity is made from a flow resource.
What a Flow Resource Is A flow resource is neither renewable or non-renewable. It can only be used where it's found. Also flow resources create no hazards to the environment. So making the dam won't harm the environment.
Why the Largest Dam Is Best The town would get the most benefits from the biggest dam possible. The townspeople would be able to expect and receive a lot more money than they would from a smaller dam. A lot more jobs would be created. If the town is going to build a dam, then they might as well gain the most benefits from it.
Financial Benefits With the biggest dam possible the town and its people would be able to receive an extra $ of tax revenue from the hydroelectric company. With that much money the town could get more stores with supplies that maybe townsfolk have to drive to another town to buy. Also it could provide new facilities like hockey arenas and parks.
Job Benefits With a larger dam it would create more jobs. It would create 500 construction jobs for four years and 100 permanent jobs. It would also create future jobs for the children that plan to stay and live in the town.
The Hydroelectric company can gladly pay a fair price for any properties flooded.
For all the reasons I've provided I truly believe a dam would be a great idea for this town and the large dam at that. I hope you believe so too.