How to use your Audience Response keypad Questions will be displayed along with the possible answers When the countdown clock appears, press and release the button that best represents your answer Your last answer will be recorded There is no need to press “GO” or “?” Please turn in the keypad before you leave for the day.
Demographic Questions Audience Response Questions
Please make your selection... Would you describe where you live as urban, suburban, rural changing to suburban, or rural? 10 A. Urban B. Suburban C. Rural changing to suburban D. Rural E. Other F. Don’t know
Please make your selection... Do you own or rent your home? 1.Own 2.Rent 3.Other 10
Please make your selection... Is your age between: 10 A years B years C years D. 65+ years
Please make your selection... 1.Male 2.Female What is your gender? 10
Please make your selection... What County do you live in? 10 1.Clatsop 2.St. Helens 3.Washington 4.Clackamas 5.Marion 6.Polk 7.Yam Hill 8.Multnomah 9.Lincoln 10.Other
Please make your selection... Would you like to help with an independent non-partisan effort to improve Oregon land use planning system? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Don’t know… 10
Audience Response Questions Farms, Forest, & Natural Areas
Please make your selection... Which is the best way to decide how to use lands outside of cities that are not suited for farming and forestry? A.Keep current restrictions. B.Let counties decide. C.Let counties decide but incorporate statewide guidelines. D.Let counties decide but limit the amount of growth. 10
Please make your selection... Would you support additional protections for natural areas in cities and the countryside? A.Yes B.No C.Don’t know 10
Please make your selection... Which of the following statements comes closest to the way you feel? 10 A.I support additional protections ( If there is no increase in my taxes). B.I am willing to pay more in taxes to preserve natural areas. C.I will pay more in taxes to protect natural areas as long as the areas become owned by the public and accessible for recreation.
Please make your selection... Would you support using public money to permanently protect farm and forest lands from urban development? 10 A.Yes B.No C.Don’t know
Audience Response Questions Livable Communities
Please make your selection... Indicate which statement comes closest to how you feel. 10 A.New construction should pay for itself; taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for roads, transit, sewers, water systems, and parks that support urban growth B.Oregon needs to raise taxes and invest in roads, transit, water systems, and parks to support development so we can compete with other states in attracting jobs and reach other public goals such as affordable housing and communities that can be served by transit ABCDE A A Lot Closer A Somewhat closer B Somewhat closer B A lot closer Don’t know A.Statement A-A lot closer B.Statement A-Somewhat closer C.Statement B-Somewhat closer D.Statement B-A lot closer E.Don’t know…
Please make your selection... 1.Choice One 2.Choice Two 3.Choice Three 4.Choice Four 5.Choice Five 6.Choice Six 7.Choice Seven Using a 1 to 7 scale, select the number which comes closest to the way you feel. Select 1- if you think we will have to learn to live without spending any more than absolutely necessary; if infill and redevelopment is so great, the market place will find a way to make it work, Select 7- if you think healthy and vibrant cities are vital to the success of Oregon and we need to pay more in taxes to build capacity in our roads, transit, sewer, water systems, and parks so that we can attract employers and provide places for people to live near their jobs. 10
Coordination & Participation Audience Response Questions
Please make your selection... Rate how you feel about of the following way to improve citizen participation. 1 agree 5 disagree 10 Require project information meetings
Please make your selection... Rate how you feel about of the following way to improve citizen participation. 1 agree 5 disagree Mediate land use disputes and avoid winner take all outcomes…
Please make your selection... Rate how you feel about of the following way to improve citizen participation. 1 agree 5 disagree Develop guidelines for public engagement activities…
Please make your selection... Rate how you feel about of the following way to improve citizen participation. 1 agree 5 disagree Provide education to the public on how to participate…
Please make your selection... Rate how you feel about of the following way to improve citizen participation. 1 agree 5 disagree Reduce barriers to meaningful participation…
Please make your selection... How do you feel about each of the following ways to improve citizen participation. A.Require project information meetings. B.Mediate land use disputes and avoid winner-take-all outcomes C.Develop guidelines for public engagement activities. D.Provide education to the public on how to participate. E.Reduce barriers to meaningful participation. 10
Please make your selection... How do you feel about each of the following ways to improve citizen participation. A.Require project information meetings. B.Mediate land use disputes and avoid winner-take-all outcomes C.Develop guidelines for public engagement activities. D.Provide education to the public on how to participate. E.Reduce barriers to meaningful participation. 10
Please make your selection... How do you feel about each of the following ways to improve citizen participation. A.Require project information meetings. B.Mediate land use disputes and avoid winner-take-all outcomes C.Develop guidelines for public engagement activities. D.Provide education to the public on how to participate. E.Reduce barriers to meaningful participation. 10
Enter question text... Which is the best way to improve participation in long term plans? ENTER NUMBERS BELOW- 1 ST, 2 ND,3 RD Early engagement with community organizations in land use planning efforts. 2. Provide town hall meetings, community forums and public workshops on key issues. 3. Use informal planning workshops and charts to allow citizens to visualize the specific outcome resulting from particular planning choices. 4. Use and “e-blasts” websites with frequent updates, RSS feeds etc to inform citizens about land use planning efforts. 5. Provide funding for specialists to help citizens understand the issues affecting their communities and provide assistance with public participation in the planning process. 6. Review public notice requirements and better focus notification efforts on decisions where citizen input is most likely to be meaningful.
Do you agree? Have you ever participated in Oregon’s land use planning system and thought things were too complex? 10 1.Yes 2.No 3.Don’t know…
Thank you for your participation today! Please turn in your audience response keypad when you leave the room.