We are part of a not-for-profit, global organization We serve the public first, the profession second, the members third These priorities need not be mutually exclusive
Keep technically current Professional networking Continuing education Discounts (e.g. conferences) Career resources and recognition Humanitarian programs (volunteering) It’s about people…
Conduct annual gatherings of Section leaders for networking and training opportunities Provide information to Section leaders about IEEE programs that can positively affect the Section and its members Share best practices of Sections and Chapters Recognize the efforts of IEEE volunteers within Canada Sponsor technical conferences to meet the technical needs of members within Canada Engage and support Student Branches within Canada (e.g. Student Branch Congress/training) Promote IEEE involvement with Canadian industry Effectively manage an annual budget that supports all needed functions
Visibility Impact Growth
Advertize our volunteer/member activities internally and externally Distribute our national publications to a large audience Promote our national conferences Keep our website content current Publically recognize our volunteers Partner with sister organizations (e.g. PEO, OACETT) Improve our dialogue with industry
Balanced budgets Multi-year forecasts Fully fund high priority programs Industrial partnerships More national conferences Full sponsorship of awards program Optimize our committees and structure Invest in emerging areas of interest
New members, better retention More events and activities Increased funding for programs New volunteers, advancement opportunities within parent IEEE Career recognition (e.g. elevations, awards) Remember – it’s about people!