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The Male Gonads are located behind the penis in the skin pouch called the scrotum.
Male gonads produce the sex hormones in the body Male sex hormones are called testosterone They stimulate the formation of sperms in the seminiferous tubules.
Develops reproductive tissues Increases muscle size, bone mass, and body hair
It sustains spermatogenesis maintains muscle bulk maintains secondary sex characteristics aids in erectile function.
Clomiphene citrate stimulates gonadotropin production In the adult it suppresses urinary follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) excretion and plasma testosterone concentration in prepubertal children Such results indicate that feedback between gonad and hypothalamus is operative and highly sensitive in prepubertal humans.
The gonads are responsible for the production of steroid hormones, such as testosterone However, calcitonin inhibits testosterone
Hypogonadism is a medical term which describes a diminished functional activity of the gonads May result in diminished sex hormone biosynthesis and impaired gamete production and/or regulation Causes infertility
The way in which testosterone deficiency is treated depends on whether the treatment aims to improve fertility, sexual functioning, or both. Gonadotrophin therapy – that is, treatment with hormones which stimulate the reproductive organs – has been shown to be effective in improving fertility in cases of secondary hypogonadism.
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iv/chemical-coordination-animals/gonads.php#testes iv/chemical-coordination-animals/gonads.php#testes hanging_sensitivity_of_the_pubertal_gonadal_hypothala mic_feedback_mechanism_in_man hanging_sensitivity_of_the_pubertal_gonadal_hypothala mic_feedback_mechanism_in_man system/endocrine-glands/pineal-gland-and-gonads/ system/endocrine-glands/pineal-gland-and-gonads/ rone-deficiency-primary-hypogonadism-and- secondaryhypogonadotrophic-hypogonadism/374 rone-deficiency-primary-hypogonadism-and- secondaryhypogonadotrophic-hypogonadism/374