TPB Structure St.. Petersburg NEXT STEPS IN PROCESS Approach identified participants to ensure they are willing/able to participate Section coordinators.


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Presentation transcript:

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg NEXT STEPS IN PROCESS Approach identified participants to ensure they are willing/able to participate Section coordinators to generate table-of-contents for their section —Coordinate with subsection-writers as well as with chairs and co- chairs Check for overlaps/conflicts, agree resolution Agree detailed material for subsections with authors Authors to write subsections —Coordinate material coverage with contact persons from parties

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg INTERNATIONAL PROFILE DATABASE STATUS Database manager, T. Fukuda, has resigned —Replacement to be discussed at ITBDB working meeting Discusses scalar ITB database, desirability of incorporating into common ITPA format —Agreed that this is desirable, practical questions to be pursued with K. Thomsen Reviewed status of data entry, incompatibilities between versions, etc. —Further data selection to be made at ITBDB working session Action item: address confusion in community from differing use/meaning of term “profile database” Additional JET data submitted, including pure electron ITB case

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg ITB MODELING Modeling is sensitive to plasma parameters, consequently, choices of how many transport channels to simulate leads to very different final results —Specific example is modeling of same JET discharge using JETTO, but with different no. of channels modeled, results are different  NOTE - This is also true in experiment, tiny changes in conditions have major impact Start made on modeling of edge-core interactions using JET data and JETTO Renormalized version of GLF23 is now available. Fixes problem with calculation of growth rates with negative shear, high alpha. —Action item: test on ITBDB

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg GROUP ACTIVITIES AND PLANS Reviews back on ITB review paper. Many detailed suggestions, but overall quite positive, clear that paper will be published Next meeting in San Diego, after H-mode/ITB Physics workshop, starting Monday September 29 Spring 2004 meeting at JAERI Naka, either week of March 22, or May 10 Response to Diagnostic TG: making progress on detailed response to diagnostic justifications. Start made on modeling of effect of diagnostic resolution using transport codes

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg UPDATE ON RECENT RESULTS Extensive set of experiments performed on JET since 2002 IAEA. Highlights include: —JET/AUG experiment to replicate improved H-mode regime was successful —However, attempt to expand improved H-mode regime to higher field, lower rho_star failed —Wide ITBs have been maintained in steady-state plasmas with mild ELM activity and no impurity accumulation —Developed steady-state ITB at high triangularity Several presentations on the role of q profile on ITB formation, on T-10 and JT-60U, TUMAN-3M. These effects are not understood at present, and are not include in models —Possible overlap in physics with stellarator community, input expected ST research has progressed to the point where NSTX and MAST can start to contribute to work of the group, as well as significant data —Extend turbulence and transport into new regimes, e.g. beta

TPB Structure St.. Petersburg PAPER AND PRESENTATION PLANS Contributed EPS paper and poster by T. Fujita on examination of key parameters for iTB formation has been accepted —Focus of paper will be on testing the applicability of the JET ITB criterion in rho_star —Paper will also discuss physics content of JET criterion, and when it would be expected to be inapplicable —Needs further transport analysis to reach definite conclusion, but much work already done Proposal by X. Litaudon for a paper at H-mode and ITB Physics workshop on Advanced Tokamak Regimes, including a discussion of prospects based on a multi-machine comparison —Intention is to demonstrate that AT regimes are now approaching a level of performance and reliability such that confidence in applicability to ITER operation is substantially enhanced —Use of multi-machine data is key to conveying readiness