Interpreting Your Child’s CRCT Scores: It’s About Improving Achievement! West Bainbridge Elementary School Parent Workshop Belinda Ingram Guidance Counselor
C riterion R eferenced C ompetency T est Georgia Performance Standards
Scores and Reports GPS/QCC QCC/GPS Scale scores may range from 150 to 450 (QCC) 650 to 950 (GPS) Highest obtainable scale score can differ by test. CRCT also reports student achievement in terms of performance levels(1-3): Exceeds Standard (3) 350 & Above or 850 & ↑ Meets Standard (2) 300 – 349 or Does Not Meet Standard(1) Below 300 or Below 800
What Can Parents Do to Help Improve Scores?
Vocabulary Emphasize meaning of words Discuss new or unusual words Teach words in context Play word games
Reading Comprehension Relate stories to personal experiences Read with your child Repeated readings of favorite books Identify similarities and differences Make predictions Retell stories Follow up with writing or drawing
Spelling Point out words with similar spellings Practice spelling conventions Play spelling type games Find new words while reading
Math Read math-type stories Use real life math Ask if an answer is reasonable Look for patterns in everyday items Use estimation and mental math Use graphs, charts, timetables, diagrams Encourage creative problem solving
Students log on to the Online Assessment System
From the Welcome screen, students can choose to take Student Tests
To take a student test, click View Student Tests
The OAS provides pre-constructed tests for each subject area. Select a subject.
Highlight a test and click Take Test
Students answer the multiple choice questions, clicking on Next Question to go to the next page or Grade My Test when finished
After completing the test, the student sees the results of the test ….
…and decides whether to send the test to a teacher, to save the test, or to discard it
To view results from Student Tests that have been saved, choose View Student Tests
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