1 Dénes Zarka instructional designer Training skills - Experience of the e- learning designer
2 Who am I? Electrical Engineer, 50 Graduated in ’89 as Electrical engineer From ’92: Instructional designer (UK-trained) Till ’98: at Budapest Training Technology Center From ’98: BME Learing Innovation Center (BME is EDEN member, BME hosting EDEN) Field: Course development content development, educational research, training of designers and tutors (TEL) Live in Europe – Hungary – Budapest Speak Hungarian, English, and French
3 Hungary
4 I will speak about Different target groups in prison and probation environments from training point of view E-learning Benefits for staff E-learning Challenges for staff Skills on screens Interpersonal skills Entry skills for e-learning Example: Moodle as an LMS for transfering skills Case: Tett project for victims and perpetrators
5 Different target groups in prison and probation environments from training point of view Prison staff (working in prisons on duty) Prisoners (offenders in detention) –Engagement lack of key competences –New skills only virtual artifacts –Representation of outside word inside lack of socialisation Prison related professionals –Specific knowledge, isolated from colleagues, effective networking Probation (offenders release under supervision) –Preparation for no supervision, safe environment, ed. inclusion
6 E-learning Benefits for staff Good means of engagement for effective in service training Large variety of courses can be offered School environment can be avoided On the job training can be organised easily (checklists, protocols, help) Retraining, refresher training, regular checks Better communication than traditional briefings
7 E-learning Challenges for staff Previous learning experience may not be supporting Self learning needs to be self organised: guidance is important! (all other tasks are more urgent) A good proportion of skills to be developed should be face to face: secondary media for introduction, individual practice or metacognition (but there is always administrative type knowledge like regulation as well) Technology may need special design (CD, DVD, limited/no internet access, limited/no wifi access)
8 Skills on screens Cognitive: Easy! Mostly all you can think of! Limitation only on expert side. (If the educational problem can not be predicted by rules) Affective (values and beliefs): Not hard. Many of attitudes can be trained like this, but face to face is easier. For ex. Communication training can be done. Motoric: Not always easy. Exception: blind typing, keyboards…
9 Interpersonal skills It is a well known „fact” that interpersonal skills can not be developed by distance education, therefore with e- learning. Partly true: off-line, downloaded courses: Hard! But not impossible: Video demonstrations, descriptions, case studies (famous prison incidents), strategies…and: role plays, simulations On-line environments: web 2.0 connected learning, groupwork, project work, on-line workshops
10 Entry skills for e-learning Basic ICT skills (browsing, file handling, multimedia, sinchronous communication) Basic self management skills (goal setting, self organisation, self direction, self testing, deadlines) Basic learning skills (organisation, note taking, memory, understanding, stress handling)
11 Example: Moodle as an LMS for transferring skills Content (HTML, multimedia) Communication (written, group, synchronous, asynchronous) Group work (wiki, workshop) Evaluation (testing)
12 Case: Tett project for victims and perpetrators: Three courses –Delinquency of minors –Reintegration –Victim policy Moodle LMS –Traditional curriculum –Quiz tests –Video: webinars and illustrations
13 Check the EDEN website for more information: