With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator:


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Presentation transcript:

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 Review of the working methodology and content of the WP Dr. Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors, Lead Country Representative 1st Field Visit Tallinn, May 22-23, 2011

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 PRIORITY AREA 3: DEVELOP QUALITY ASSURACE IN GUIDACE PROVISION – improving the quality and ensure the objectivity of career information and advice, while taking account of users' expectations and labour market realities; – ensuring that the information presented, advice given and support provided are tailored to suit the various different users; – developing tools for the forward-planning of jobs and skills, building on both national resources and on the Union's common resources, in particular CEDEFOP; – relating information on training provision and the operation of the labour market to the local area; – enhancing, including through initial education and further training, the professional profile and standards of guidance practitioners, and promoting their competences and skills, in particular with regard to the provision of information, counselling and support, in order to better respond to the needs and expectations of both citizens and policymakers; – measuring the effectiveness of guidance provision, where appropriate by collecting reliable data covering both users' perception of guidance services and the benefits obtained by them in the medium term; – developing quality standards for guidance services which define the service provided and which pay as much attention to the goals and results for the beneficiary as to methods and processes. Source: Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies 2905th EDUCATIO, YOUTH AD CULTURE Council meeting Brussels, 21 November 2008

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 Main aims of the priority area are: I. = customer protection for the end-users (QA of the professional practice) II. = „proves it work” (ICCDPP IS2009; IS2011, ELGPN Wp ) –Evidence based LLG Policy also means that regional/ national professional practice could influence the decision-makers with hard data III. = states (EU MS) are responsible for the quality of the data in career guidance provision (against market failure; called information asymmetry)

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 identifies three locations for assessing the outcomes of guidance „…each of which has a different timescale attached to it. These are: the individual, where the outcomes, which are designated as ‘learning outcomes ’ are immediate; organisational, where the outcomes, which are designated as ‘ school effectiveness (e.g.)’ are intermediate; and societal, where the outcomes, which are designated as ‘ economic benefits and social benefits ’ are ultimate. The time period over which outcome measures are applied is extremely important, as it could be argued that longer- term outcomes, for the individual, the organisation, and society as a whole, are likely to reflect the true benefits of guidance. However, what may be deemed appropriate or desirable timescales from an evaluation perspective run the risk of being beyond the scope and budget of individual research projects, and of offering insufficient immediately relevant data for policy makers.” (Watts 1999, OECD 2003)

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 There are several viewpoints on quality

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 Viewpoint of the practitioners (IAVEG)

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 Combining viewpoints & measures & outcomes

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 References Watts, A.G. (1999) The Economic and Social Benefits of Guidance, Educational and Vocational Guidance: Bulletin, 63/1999. International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance Malcolm Maguire and John Killeen National Institute for Careers Education and Counselling (NICEC) OUTCOMES FROM CAREER INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE SERVICES, OECD 2003 Hiebert, B. (2009)Raising the Profile of Career Guidance: Educational and Vocational Guidance Practitioner. Educational and Vocational Guidance, 2009/

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 How to communicate within the WP ? – micro site / open access

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 How to communicate within the WP ? – micro site / password protected only for the members

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Coordinator: RV/5/11/2008 Here, we are waiting for you national contributions about the 6 sectors & LLG !