Academy of Medical Educators Monthly Seminar October 23, 2014
Audience Response We will be using the audience response system “Poll Everywhere” so please access the internet on your smartphone/laptop/tablet or text responses using your cell phone. TEXT: Text the code (response #) to phone # WEB: Submit responses to
University of Michigan Medical School Academy for Educational Excellence and Scholarship Monthly Seminar 1.Academy updates 2.Membership 3.Debate: Should there be a policy at UMHS preventing learners from caring for patients with Ebola infection. Tonight October 23!!!! All welcome!!! Next monthly seminar Monday, November 17, 2014 DANTO, CVC
Should there be a policy at UMHS preventing learners from caring for patients with Ebola infection?
My answer to this question was influenced by the transmission of Ebola to healthcare workers in Texas
Drs. Kaselitz, Cinti, Vercler, & Hornyak have no commercial relationships relevant to this presentation.
Background First described Ebola outbreak-1976 –1995, 2000, ‘07, ’12, ‘14 Named after river area in the DRC RNA virus, family Filoviridae –5 subtypes 51% mortality Transmitted by exposure of skin abrasions, mucosal tissue and/or parenteral exposure to bodily fluids from infected inidvidual Incubation 2-21 days Easily confused with other tropical diseases (malaria, dengue)
Current Outbreak March, 2014 Initial case thought to be zoonosis from bat to human, remainder human to human >3000 cases, >1500 deaths (underreported) –WHO estimates >20k cases in next 9 months –Approximately 10% of deaths are healthcare workers
Impact on USA US citizen returned from west Africa –Eventually admitted to TX Presbyterian for, and died from Ebola –As of this time, 2 nurses who cared for him have been diagnosed with Ebola, and >100 staff are under observation Infected aid workers have also been re- patriated for care
Format Debate: Should there be a policy at UMHS preventing learners from caring for patients with Ebola infection? –Drs. Cinti/Kaselitz taking polar positions-not necessarily their own complete opinion –We are not making policy, we are not determining care for patients –Discussion about LEARNERS Group Discussion: “Judgment Free Zone” Students/Residents/Faculty-NO LUNKS Discussion of Ethics: Christian Vercler, MD, MA, MS
Tale of The Tape Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!! For a Policy Sandro Cinti, MD –Professor, IM/ID –MD CWRU ‘92 –Residency/Fellowship UM ‘92-98 Against a Policy Tim Kaselitz, MD –PGY-3 Med/Peds –MD UM ‘12
Should there be a policy at UMHS preventing learners from caring for patients with Ebola infection? (After debate)