UNCLASSIFIED – FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 NFOSES Wednesday, 1 October U.S. Naval Academy Agenda and Desired Effects Community Break Out Sessions Breakfast Welcome, Update, and Scene Setter (DNS) Participants are aware of progress made since last meeting and understand strategic timeline, challenges, and opportunities CNO Guidance (CNO) Participants understand and support CNO Guidance, including assessment and way ahead Break Navy Operations Today and Navy IA Mission (USFF, N1) Participants understand, in general terms and through specific examples, how and why Navy is engaged globally, and specifically in the current war, in a variety of missions Participants understand status of Navy IA mission (progress report) and way ahead Maritime Strategy / NOC (N3/5) Participants, especially in the Fleet, understand and provide feedback on CNO maritime strategy measure of effectiveness effort Participants understand NOC content and way ahead Navy Irregular Warfare (N3/5) Participants understand Navy definition of, role in, and new organizational approach to irregular warfare Lunch – Guest Speaker Commandant USCG Army Warfighter Talks Out Brief and GFM Process Issues (N3/5) Participants understand takeaways of USN/USA Warfighter Talks Participants understand current COCOM demands, Navy capacity to meet demand, and Navy issues with GFM process Break Manpower Update/Top 50 Initiative (N1) Participants understand manpower initiatives and challenges/way ahead Participants understand policy, budgetary, and cultural factors that contribute to a Top 50 workplace (to incl. discussion on work/life balance, safety, and detailing) Break Fleet and Shore Readiness (N4) Participants understand Fleet and Shore readiness challenges and way ahead CNO Day 1 Wrap Up (CNO) Participants understand CNO perspectives on first day Social - Loews Annapolis Hotel
UNCLASSIFIED – FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 NFOSES Thursday, 2 October U.S. Naval Academy Agenda and Desired Effects Community Break Out Sessions Breakfast CNO Remarks (CNO) Participants understand CNO perspective on day two agenda POM 10 / Force Structure (N8) Participants understand and support POM10/force structure approach and way ahead Participants understand Enterprise POM10 lessons learned and resulting adjustment to roles and responsibilities associated with Navy Enterprise and support way ahead Break Joint Flag Perspectives Discussion 3-Star lead discussion on Joint Flag perceptions and assessment of Navy issues not on the NFOSES agenda Break Guest Speaker Commandant USMC Lunch – Guest Speaker SECNAV Moving to NGEN (N6) Participants understand new N6 philosophy and approach to major policies/programs related to NGEN Network Vulnerabilities and Threats (NNWC) Participants understand Navy initiatives to resolve network vulnerabilities and counter network threats Break Safety Update (NAVSAFECEN) Participants understand safety challenges, opportunities and initiatives Participants understand and support Navy motorcycle safety awareness and initiatives Break Navy Ethos Statement (USFF) Participants understand Navy Ethos statement and promulgation plan CNO Closing Remarks Participants understand symposium takeaways and are aligned on way ahead