DEPICTION OF CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN ADVERTISEMENTS: USA VS CHINA Dr. Satyendra Singh Professor, Marketing and International Business Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets University of Winnipeg CANADA Conference Chair, Academy of Business and Emerging Markets (ABEM) Conference August 2-4,2016 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
OBJECTIVE To compare American and Chinese advertisements USA and China spend $8b and $.5b on advertisements, respectively Useful for managers when adapting western-style advertisements for eastern markets
HYPOTHESES: HOFSTEDE’S DIMENSIONS Individualistic/collective Uncertainty Power distance Time orientation Masculine/feminine Indulgence vs restraints
TIME ORIENTATION/POWER DISTANCE Size, get free, quick Variety, freshness, slow
TIME-ORIENTATION KFC gives the impression of a sit-down restaurant KFC has no chefs! Misleading? Or Adaptation?
INDIVIDUALISTIC Fact, Rebellion, individualistic Emotion, Collective Dove stability
INDIVIDUALISTIC/UNCERTAINTY Models, looks, style Small, efficient, emotion
UNCERTAINTY/ TIME ORIENTATION Beauty, results, time Bottle, Few text, must be popular
MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS Country and Citizen beliefs must match