NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 1 Ground Support Equipment(GSE) Software Tzu-Te Wang
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 2 Software Architecture SOH DecoderCMD Encoder Queue Queue Writer/Reader Interface to ISUAL Electrical test GSE Upper Level Lower Level User I/F (USER to S/W) Software I/F (S/W to S/W) Software I/F (S/W to H/W) Java MS C
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 3 STOL Procedures Script Files test1.PRC NSPO Procedure Script File test1.NSPO Compiler.class Interpreter Translator JAVA STOL Translator GSE004.jar Involved CMD Encoder GSE008.jar DEBUG Window Command packets NSPO Window (Display NSPO Script Format) STOL Window (Display/Edit UCB Script) Software Flow diagram(1/3)
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 4 SOH.class ApID=0x71D ApID=0x71C JAVA SOH Decoder GSE006.jar SOH Raw Data File SOH.db Queue RS 422 Board House Keeping Data Pickup value from data file Query meaning of value for specified data field SOH Display UCB Serial I/O Bridge SOH.EXE Software Flow diagram(2/3)
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 5 Software Flow diagram(3/3) NSPO Command Script File ‘nspo002.txt’ User Java Classes I_HV_MAYI.class : JAVA CMD Encoder GSE008.jar CMD Raw Data File CMD.db Queue RS 422 Board Commands Packets Fill values in raw data file Invoke method to handle parameterizes in each command packet UCB Serial I/O Bridge CMD.EXE
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 6 User Interface(1/4) Definition: –SOH decoder use U/I to display information. –CMD encoder use U/I to grab commands. –STOL translator use U/I to edit and interpret procedures. Requirement: –The U/I must show all information clearly. –The U/I must has abilities to handle file-system. –The U/I must be easy to use.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 7 User Interface(2/4) SOH display U/I –Classify whole digital House-Keeping data into 5 groups. –Use table to show numerical data. –Use icons to present modes. –Use buttons to present 2-state status. –Use labels to display time based information. –Use labels to display version of flight software. –Use text box to display whole SOH data in order. –Display screen can be frozen/unfrozen. –Display screen will update every 5 seconds. –Display screen shows the time of last SOH and local time.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 8 User Interface
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 9 User Interface(3/4) CMD grabbing U/I –Use text box for directly input script name. –Use File-Open to choose script from file- list/folder. –For example Use button ‘28V’ to enable 28 volts power output. Use button ‘PPS’ to start pulse-per-second signal.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 10 User Interface
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 11 User Interface(4/4) STOL translator U/I –Use menu ‘Open’ to open a procedure and edit. –Use menu ‘Save’ to save procedure with specified name. –Use menu ‘Translate’ to translate current procedure in editor. –Upper split window will output debug messages. –Middle split window will output interpreted NSPO script. –Lower split window is editor for STOL procedures.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 12 User Interface
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 13 Software Interface(1/2) CMD Queue SOH Queue NSPO Script GPS Script Serial I/O CMD.EXESOH.EXE SOH Display RS422 H/W driver ISUAL Software Interface
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 14 Software Interface(2/2) Both Java and MS C have to access queue in the same approach. Java is coded base on C program. To prevent overwriting, command queue must big enough. Only one queue opened for each propose(SOH and CMD queue). For upper level program(ex:Java), it allow several programs to access the same queue at the same time. (ex: SOH decoder, freeze current one and open another new one for comparing.) For lower level program(ex:SOH.EXE), it only accept one program to access queue.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 15 Current Status CMD encoder can accept NSPO script and generate output (CCSDS packets, define in x7) to command queue. And CMD.EXE can read the queue and output commands to ISUAL’s DPU. SOH.EXE can read from ISUAL’s DPU and generate output (CCSDS packets, define in x7) to SOH queue. And SOH decoder can read the queue to display the house-keeping data on screen.
NCKU UCB Tohoku GSE Software, T.T. Wang 16 Future Work Implement STOL, and bind with CMD encoder. Directly generate the output to queue. Re-organize SOH display to fit request. Integrate with telemetry packets display program.