A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS This year’s nominee for the Oscar for best movie is Chronicle Presented by: Zach Fogg Project 14: Nominate a Movie for an Academy Award 5/6/12
CHRONICLE Table of Contents Meet the Cast Meet My Favorite Actor Chronicle Review A “Must See” Movie Also in the Running… THE END
MEET THE CAST OF CHRONICLE Dane DeHaan Andrew Alex Russell Matt Michael B. Jordan Steve Michael Kelly Andrew’s Dad Ashley Hinshaw Casey Anna Wood Monica Click here to return to the Table of Contents
MEET MY FAVORITE ACTOR Michael B. Jordan 25 years old born February 9, 1987 Born in Santa Ana, California, USA Mom and Dad no siblings and no wife or children First was on ABC TV show “All My Children” in 2007 Chronicle was his first movie Click here to return to the Table of Contents
CHRONICLE REVIEW About a group of kids who get special powers Andrew, the main character starts to use them the wrong way His friends are not as strong and can’t stop him Andrew cause a dilemma and it must be stopped Very dramatic and sometimes funny movie Click here to return to the Table of Contents
A “MUST SEE” MOVIE Very interesting story line Great acting Dramatic Keeps the viewers on the edges of their seats Movie that never gets old Click here to return to the Table of Contents
ALSO IN THE RUNNING… Below are five other movies that should also be considered for an Academy Award. Movie TitleRelease Date Gross Earnings Type of Film Rating The Hunger Games 3/23$400,250,000DramaPG Jump Street3/2$137,181,723ComedyR The Avengers5/4$571,860,000ActionPG-13 MIB 35/25$135,505,000ActionPG-13 The Lorax3/2$212,000,000FamilyG Click here to return to the Table of Contents