A study into the dynamics fostering and hindering knowledge collaboration within GALA A research collaboration VU University Amsterdam Cyntelix
Research Team VU University Bart van den Hooff is professor of Organizational Communication and Information Systems. His research interests include the interaction between ICT, organization and individuals; knowledge sharing; distributed collaboration and online interaction. Marlous Agterberg is assistant professor in the KIN- group. She holds a PhD in Knowledge, Information and Networks from the VU University Amsterdam. Her research interests include managing online knowledge networks, distributed knowledge collaboration and knowledge sharing Jorn Varenhorst is Master student of the Information & Knowledge Management program and student assistant in the Dutch Science Academy program. His research relates to knowledge sharing across multiple boundaries
Research purpose Identify the dynamics fostering and hindering knowledge collaboration within GALA Use these insights to develop ways for improving collaboration within GALA and strengthen its impact Means: combine qualitative research with insights from SNA by Cyntelix
First themes identified (I) Actual outcomes, benefits, collaborations etc. (on GALA and individual level). “The thing that I benefit the most from so far is making contact with new people. So, the people you get to know. Content-wise there hasn’t been anything really...” Fragmentation, due to boundaries of: Practice Context Roles Obligations Culture, existing connections, or……?
First themes identified (II) Coordination and organization of the network o How to coordinate a knowledge collaboration network? top-down vs bottom-up/ self-organization vs steering and controlling Brokers crossing boundaries? Factors sustaining boundaries? o Focus on accountability/legitimatization/metrices versus collaborating around shared interests Openness of, and walls around GALA
Way forward Continue data collection: – Interviews with various stakeholders (based a.o. on SNA) – Observations (e.g. at general assembly) – Analysis of online interactions in multiple spaces – Document analysis Output: insight in key factors that foster or hinder the impact that GALA can make Timeline: end of summer 2013, prolongation tbd
SNA Reviewer’s recommendations: – Extend the same type of analysis to SG Academy – Determine metrics for insight about impact of the network – Provide deeper analysis to understand what led to the observed levels of communication and collaboration within the network Method: – Correlate SNA results to qualitative analysis – Use qualitative analysis as a ground truth
Comments or Questions? Your input, remarks, reflections, critique or further directions are highly welcome! Feel free to share your thoughts with us at any time!