Announcements No Bible Study this Thursday Need volunteers to mow at the Mount one weekend a month Work Day at the Mount on 5/2 from Plan to prep driveway for asphalt, patch roof, scrape walls Upcoming service project – roofing on May 8 and 9. Looking for 5 people for Saturday. Need 3 or 4 for Friday if possible. Scott is coordinating The Worthy One conference (4/30-5/2)
Because He meant it
10 Commandments Israel had just been released from Egypt God parted the Red Sea to allow Moses and the Israelites to cross God provided manna from heaven, and continued to supply it for 40 years Amalek attacks and Moses raises his staff Moses meets with God, then God delivers the 10 Commandments to the everyone
Exodus 20:1 Really, really important – He spoke to everyone audibly Matthew 3:17
Verse 2 "I am the L ORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Ex 20:2 (NKJV) His authority
Verse 3 You shall have no other gods before Me. Ex 20:3 (NKJV) Egypt had many gods, neighboring nations had many gods, The other commandments establish how to approach God and man. This one establishes His preeminence
Some other gods Pride and selfishness makes you a god Covetousness makes money and stuff and god Sensuality makes physical pleasure a god
How to identify a god Do you love something more than God Do you fear something that keeps you from doing what God has called you to do Do you serve something, giving it more time than you give the Lord Do you depend on something for help instead of God? Where do you find delight?
What about someone else? Do you run to someone when you have questions about God? Do you trust someone’s word of how or who God is instead of experiencing it for yourself? Do you go to books written by authors, or the book written by God?
You shall have no gods before Me