2 Within these slides we are going to talk a little bit about Wills, what it is that makes them so apparently difficult to understand and why they need to be drawn up by people that know what they are doing
3 A lot of people ask us why the language in a Will is so complicated and seemingly ‘old fashioned.’ Like any specialist subject, there is a jargon that develops – with Wills there are specific rules about the way that they must be drawn up and the law goes back to the Wills Act of 1837
4 That 1837 Act did not specify the wording to be used, but legislation and case law tells us that the Will should be read without the use of aids such as punctuation. And so the jargon developed. We do try to keep it to a minimum and will always be happy to explain what it all means
5 So what is a Will ? It is not that easy to define when you think about it and as a document it is fairly unusual in that it is created now, to take effect in the future. So that means making it as relevant as possible for as long as possible – hence some of the questions we ask you about your life.
6 Let us try and define a Will then. ‘It is a statement of your wishes for the disposal of your assets after your death.’ Not a very snappy definition but pretty accurate
7 What is wrong with home made Wills ? We get asked that one a lot………. And the answer is ‘nothing’ if you know what you are doing. But not many people do. After all, would you let a vet service your gas boiler?
8 And after that question, people always ask why they should use us to write their Wills……. And the first answer is because we know what we are doing ! The second answer is on the next slide !
9 And that second answer is convenience. The whole process is done from your computer. No need to visit a solicitor, no need to travel, pay bus fare or car parking and no sitting and waiting while the appointment before yours drags on.
10 And the third reason is cost. We have put our guideline prices on the website. We always agree our fee with you. And we know that we are competitive. We keep our costs down because we keep our business overheads down. The savings are passed on to you.
11 So now we have discussed why a Will looks the way it does; what a Will is and why you should let us draft it for you. Any other questions ? Contact us here: