Strategic Project Management1SPM Environment Project Management Environment zBecause projects are evolutionary and involve uncertainty, projects are usually divided into phases for better control. zPhases should have specific deliverables. zCollectively these phases are known as the project life cycle. zSee PMI BOK Figures 2-1 and 2-3. yAdditional examples in Figures 2-2, 2-4, 2-5.
Strategic Project Management2SPM Environment Project Stakeholders zStakeholders are individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of the project execution or completion.
Strategic Project Management3SPM Environment Project Stakeholders (continued) zStakeholders must ybe clearly identified, yhave their needs/expectations evaluated, yhave their expectations managed.
Strategic Project Management4SPM Environment Key Project Stakeholders zProject Manager zCustomer zPerforming Organization(s) zSponsor zWhat about others ?
Strategic Project Management5SPM Environment Project Influences zOrganizational yOrganizational Structure yOrganizational Culture yOrganizational Systems zSocietal yStandards and Regulations yMegatrends yCulture
Strategic Project Management6SPM Environment Key Management Skills for Project Management zLeadership zCommunication zNegotiation zProblem Solving / Decision Making zArt of Persuasion