The tools that we use in computers can help so to grow as technically active citizens. It gives us the opportunity to learn new skills on the computer. Especially Photoshop, weebly and MovieMaker. This contributes to lifelong learning because in our society today there will always be something “new and better” coming out. So by being taught to self learn we can teach ourselves how to use new programming. The tools I will use in my future courses are just the basic computers skills I learned in Computers1000, such as building a website, all of the different sites for planning (mindmeister) I really enjoyed making the calendars for the different months, it was a wonderful way to keep up with the very busy schedule that I had over the course of May and June. I will definitely continue using and making those calendars.
Josh Ramsay- Typography I used Photoshop to create this project. I used the type and layer tool. Virtual Conscience- I used Powerpoint Storymaker, and Slideshow on Weebly.
Josh Ramsay- Typography I used the text tool in photoshop to create Josh. I used different variations of text size to make some words stand out. I used the curve tool for the words that made the outline of his face and his eyes. Virtual Conscience- I used several different programs to make this project. I used powerpoint to create each different page. I then put those pages into StoryMaker and edited it all however that couldn’t upload to my website so I used Slideshow on Weebly to piece all of the different pages together.
The strengths of this project was how well it turned out once it was all put together. It did end up looking like Josh Ramsay..if he was made of words.. I also really liked the words I used they can all relate to him. Something I really had to work on was the curve tool. I found it difficult to use the tool, because of the way you had to place the words first before you curved them otherwise they wouldn’t curve on the line I wanted them to. Something that didn’t work was the eyes. They were really difficult to make because they were so small. What I need to work on is being more patient with photoshop and the curve tool. In order to get the look I want in the end. Next time I would work on such a tedious and big project in small intervals. Because after the first half an hour I became frustrated and started hating what it looked like. If I would have done this project in small doses I think I could have gotten in done faster and saved myself a lot of grief.
The strength of this project is the creativity. I really like the idea of a story to tell about my virtual conscience especially because I have spent all of my life with this person. So using a storybook, can show our childhood growing up together and the modern silver pages show how we are grown up now. Because my cousin didn’t want to have any pictures of himself in the project it was hard to find pictures to show the different aspects of our lives and his personality. So in the end I chose clipart to represent our story but it was difficult to try and get the idea in my head to come from the internet. Something that didn’t work was uploading the story created in StoryMaker onto my website which is too bad because I really liked how it looked on the StoryMaker. Next time I should check on the website or program I am using to see if it will be able to download before beginning. Next time I would probably use a different program other the moviemaker to piece the pages together so I can still get what I want out of the project with having to sacrifice quality for uploading issues.
In this visual composition I am trying to answer the questions about the different terms of type. For example whitespace. And what makes a good print document. For this project my main target audience was German my teacher so I had to make it appropriate and appealing for her. However after I am going to share this with my other trench fans, and their ages range from and their interest is Marianas Trench so I do believe they will like this. What you actual see is all words that can relate and describe Josh Ramsay. And once put together those words create his face. The tools I used to persuade my audience was the use of dark colour and the different size font words to make the words I want the audience to see stand out. With the words you can learn a bit about Josh Ramsay and hopefully look more into him and his music.
The question I am trying to answer is who is my virtual conscience and how what they do effects me to be become a better person and why they are my role model. The main target audience is German, my computers teacher. So I must meet all of her requirements and what I think she expects. The other audience is my family because my virtual conscience is my cousin the age of my family are mostly all above 20 (but as long as I say good things about my cousin they will love it) What you see is a story book with different pictures and text that explain the different aspects of my cousin. The transitions are made to show as if you were turning the page. The tools of persuasion I used was making a storybook to draw the audience in and make them want to keep reading and keep flipping the pages. I also wrote in a more mature language to get the feel as if someone was reading the story. And this is how I was able to show why Joseph is my virtual conscience.
As a whole I would recommend this project to others. It’s always good to do a self reflection on yourself, to boost yourself up and also leave room for improvement. Josh Ramsay- Typography I would recommend this a dedicated person. This was one of those projects that was really difficult but ended up with great results! Virtual Conscience- I would definitely recommend this project. It was really nice to have looked back on mine and Joseph’s childhood and remember where it was all started! And to have a refresher of why I like him..that's always needed.