9/12/99R. Moore1 Level 2 Trigger Software Interface R. Moore, Michigan State University
9/12/99R. Moore2 L2 Crate Administrator Worker Data InputData Output Trigger Control Computer External Communications Internal Communications
9/12/99R. Moore3 Software Components Administrator MBus Worker Level User code Tool Level User code L2 Software Framework Worker Physics! Pre-Proc Worker Global Tool Global Worker
9/12/99R. Moore4 L2 Simulator Packed Data Raw Chunk Unpack Data Chunk Event Interface Worker Code Event Interface Online Offline (testing only) dynamic_cast<> Online Code Offline Package I/Ogen
9/12/99R. Moore5 L2 Simulator L2 simulator runs online worker code only –framework code (administrator) not included because it has no physics impact Online L2 framework replaced by offline code: –control hooks replaced by offline framework package –data interface replaced to use unpacked data chunks
9/12/99R. Moore6 Writing L2 Code What you need to know: –L2 coding guidelines ( How to use DOC++ –How to use the offline build environment CTBuild user guide hopefully appearing soon…? –Input and output object formats tell Dylan and he’ll add them to the L2 I/Ogen configuration file –Worker algorithm What you don’t need to know! –Unpacked data chunks –Whether you are running online or offline
9/12/99R. Moore7 Creating a Worker Create a new package for the algorithm code named: –l2 worker –e.g. l2gblworker, l2cttworker Write the main worker class and put it into this package –the same class is used online AND offline –Class name: Worker e.g. GlobalWorker Create a new package to interface to trigsim, called: –tsim_l2 –e.g. tsim_l2gbl, tsim_l2ctt …
9/12/99R. Moore8 Writing the Worker Class Worker class is ONLINE code –ALL L2 workers need one –Required methods: void processEvent(void) Plus others to be added later for monitoring, initialization etc. –MUST obey L2 online coding guidelines: no STL! processEvent(void) –processes the current event –Event I/O handled by offline or online framework
9/12/99R. Moore9 Offline Interface Use L2 specific macros to register with framework –e.g. tsim_l2gbl.cpp #include "framework/Registry.hpp" #include "l2workersim/FrameworkMacros.hpp" #include "l2gblworker/GlobalWorker.hpp" #include "l2gblworker/GlobalEventInput.hpp" #include "l2gblworker/GlobalEventOutput.hpp" #include "l2workersim/WorkerSim.hpp" using namespace l2gblworker; using namespace l2workersim; L2FWK_REGISTRY_IMPL(Global,"$Name: $") #include "framework/Registry.hpp" #include "l2workersim/FrameworkMacros.hpp" L2FWK_REGISTRY_DECL(Global) –e.g. Regtsim_l2gbl.cpp
9/12/99R. Moore10 Input Format L2Header Object L2Trailer Object = InputBuffer = ChunkInputBuffer Single MBT (or UDC if offline) channel maps to a template class Behaves like an array of the given object type Inherits from L2Header to allow access to header data
9/12/99R. Moore11 Output Format L3Header L3Trailer Node Header L2Header Object L2Trailer Object L2Header Object L2Trailer Object Channel Module Raw DataUnpacked Data Chunk
9/12/99R. Moore12 High Level Format Each worker and administrator has three possible output modules –Normal L2 output –Copy of inputs (UBS events) –Special UBS event data output Raw DataUnpacked Data Chunk Crate=System L3 Output UBS Inputs=Module UBS Output
9/12/99R. Moore13 Building the Output Output created by ‘ChannelFiller’ templates which each fill one channel Template parameters: –Object type stored in channel –‘Getter’ class ‘Getter’ class fetches the data from the worker code: –bool gotData() returns true if there is more data to get – &nextObject() returns the next object –void newEvent() notifies class of a new event Some standard ‘Getters’ provided
9/12/99R. Moore14 Event I/O Classes to access data created by evigen python script – EventInput – EventOutput Configuration file similar to Windows.ini files Full documentation being worked on…
9/12/99R. Moore15 Example.evi [Worker] package = l2gblworker name = Global system = GBL_L2 stdout = GBL_STD_OUTPUT ubsout = GBL_UBS_OUTPUT ubsin = GBL_UBS_INPUTS [Input0] name = pTTrack object = CTTPTTrack type = unpacked limit = 50 system = CTT_L2 module = CTT_STD_OUTPUT channel = GBL_PTTRACK comment = pT tracks from CTT
9/12/99R. Moore16 Example.evi II [StdOutput0] object = Electron getter = l2workerbase/FetchTag channel = GBLOUT_ELECTRON majorver = 0 minorver = 1 [StdOutput4] object = Tau getter = l2workerbase/FetchTag channel = GBLOUT_TAU majorver = 0 minorver = 1 [UbsOutput0] object = Electron getter = l2workerbase/FetchAll channel = GBLOUT_ELECTRON majorver = 0 minorver = 1
9/12/99R. Moore17 Accessing the Data To access the input data inherit the EventInput class class ATool : public GlobalEventInput { … void findElectron(void); … }; void ATool::findElectron(void) { if (pTTrack.bunch() != emCluster.bunch()) errlog << “Calling SCL init!”… … dphi=pTTrack[i].phi()- emCluster[j].phi(); … }
9/12/99R. Moore18 Writing the Data To use provided “Getter” classes output objects inherit from a “Creator” This provides a static method “create()” which returns a pointer to a new class instance –you cannot use ‘new’ ! class Electron : public Creator { … }; Electron *myelectron = Electron::create();
9/12/99R. Moore19 Current Status Basic software packages written and docs in progress –Basic interface stable, only minor changes or additions –Ready for L2PP’s to start using framework –BUT still a little rough: Need to liase with Dylan/me Not everything will work “out of the box” just yet –Toy “GlobalWorker” written by Dylan Can test single Global tools
9/12/99R. Moore20 Still to do… Add interface to L2 low level parser –L2parser package written and documented –Can’t use RCP: online code Add hook for monitoring data: collectStatus() Add support for ‘non- standard’ data formats: –e.g. CTT has private header –if L2 input not stored in L3 raw data need to write a package to recreate it –BUT some L1 packages will use L2 UDC standard (L1Cal)
9/12/99R. Moore21 Yet more to do… Make a L2 release –Currently all packages in CVS but not in a release Understand the build system (CTBuild/SRT/…) –Need to set compiler options e.g. “-DOFFLINE”, “-DDEBUG” –CTBuild docs promised…
9/12/99R. Moore22 Conclusion The basic L2 framework is complete and ready for use –should remove a lot of the pain we have had to endure! Switching to online is easy… once we have the hardware –Code written 6+ months ago –Needs interfacing with low level device drivers “Bells and whistles” will be added over the next several months as interfaces are agreed upon –monitoring –configuration
9/12/99R. Moore23 Data I/O All L2 I/O done using I/Ogen classes: –Python script which generates code to convert between packed memory and C++ class –handles multiple format versions in offline –centralizes object formats to ensure compatibility –interfaces easily to the (new) Unpacked Data Chunks –creates routines to print data classes in human- readable form
9/12/99R. Moore24 I/Ogen in l2io Configuration File [l2io.iogen] Python Script IO Classes Data Classes