Section 3 East African Civilizations
East Africa began trading as goods moved from the interior of Africa to coastal areas
Zimbabwe Trading kingdom Language – Bantu Ancestors were Shona from Nigeria Trading kingdom Language – Bantu Ancestors were Shona from Nigeria
Shona About A.D population explosion (a large and sudden growth in population) Land could not support increase in population Migrated to Zimbabwe about A.D. 700 About A.D population explosion (a large and sudden growth in population) Land could not support increase in population Migrated to Zimbabwe about A.D. 700
Shona Cities Built towns using stones without mortar Capital had houses, a fort, and a temple Fort was surrounded by a wall Built towns using stones without mortar Capital had houses, a fort, and a temple Fort was surrounded by a wall
Zimbabwe remained strong because… When chief became old he drank poison so younger ruler could take over Trade: copper, gold, ivory When chief became old he drank poison so younger ruler could take over Trade: copper, gold, ivory
Victoria Falls
Trading city-state in East Africa Collected heavy taxes Swahili developed in Kilwa Trading city-state in East Africa Collected heavy taxes Swahili developed in Kilwa
Swahili Arab traders settled in Kilwa Swahili is a mix of Arabic and African culture Swahili language is a mix of Bantu and Arabic Arab traders settled in Kilwa Swahili is a mix of Arabic and African culture Swahili language is a mix of Bantu and Arabic