HISTORY OF UK 6. The Victorian Era Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Kód ITMS projektu: Názov projektu: Kvalitou vzdelávania otvárame brány VŠ Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: VIII.OA Tematický celok: Reálie anglicky hovoriacich krajín Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 6/2015
Obsah 1.The Victorian Era (the 2nd half of the 19th century) 2.Quick Quiz 2
3333 The Victorian Era QUEEN VICTORIA - Queen of the UK for 64 years – the 2nd longest time on the throne of any British Queen or King - - She married her German cousine – Prince Albert – brought the idea of Christmas trees to Britain to Germany -She loved him, had 9 children, when he died 1861 – Victoria wore black clothes for the rest of her life
444 The Victorian Era the 2nd half of the 19th century GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS – THE VICTORIAN AGE -Called after Queen Victoria ( ) -Britain became the strongest word power: -A) the greatest industrial power (workshop of the world) -B) the greatest financial and commercial power -C) the greatest colonial power
55 The Victorian Era -Britain was unchallenged military power -Britain dominated Global trade and expanded as colonial empire in India, Australia, Africa and Brazil
6 The Victorian Era - a period of great social inequalities and contrasts 1) Wealth and poverty
The Victorian Era 7 2) Impressive palaces and slums -Palace of Westminister was completed in 1867
The Victorian Era 8 3) Religious prejudice and scientific progress Charles Darwin – study of natural history - Theory of evolution „On the Origin of Species“
9 The Victorian Era -Children had to work long hours and under difficult conditions to help the family budget. (chimney sweepers, coal miners) 4) Urbanization, poverty and child labour emerged
10 The Victorian Era 5) A period of change A)1840 Uniform Penny Postage – „ Penny Black“ – Sir Rowland Hill - the use of postage stamps B)1863 The underground railway C)Detective fiction – Sherlock Holmes D)Popular sports – football, tennis
11 The Victorian Era 5) A period of change E) 1870 Elementary Education Act – elementary education – compulsory F) 1878 University of London – the forst university to award degrees to women
12 The Victorian Era Florence Nightingale - became an example of courageous woman - „Lady of the Lamp“ -went to Crimea to reform military hospitals -Made nursing a respected profession -Fought to improve social position of women 6) Two Wars 1) Crimean War ( )
13 The Victorian Era Florence Nightingale
14 The Victorian Era 6) Two Wars 2) Indian Mutiny( ) British victory - changes British Indian Empire created out of former East India Company territory (some land returned to native rulers, other land confiscated by the British crown)
15 The Victorian Era 7) Hot African Explorers´Dates - the great colonial expansions in Africa Well-known explorers: 1)LIVINGSTONE 2)STANLEY 3)SPEKE 4)BURTON 5)GRANT 6)PARK
16 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 1) VICTORIA CROSS - The highest military decoration for bravery in battle
17 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 2) VICTORIA STATION IN LONDON
18 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 3) VICTORIA FALLS - ZIMBABWE
19 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 4) LAKE VICTORIA
22 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 5) VICTORIA – one of the Australian States
23 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 6) ALBERT HALL – a large concert hall in London
24 The Victorian Era The names – Queen Victoria/ Prince Albert 7) THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM – in London
25 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER a) 44 b) 54 c) 64 How many year did Queen Victoria rule the country?
26 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Which tradition did Prince Albert bring to Britain? a) Halloween b) Christmas tree c) Thanksgiving day
27 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Which palace was finished in 1867? a) Westminister Palace b) Buckingham Palace c) Kensington Palace
28 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What is the name of the most famous work of Darwin? a) Sherlock Holmes b) On the Origin of Species c) The Bible
29 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What was the name of the first Uniform Penny Postage? a) Penny White b) Penny Black c) Penny Blue
30 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What was the nickname of Florence Nightingale and why? a) Lady of the Crimea b) Lady of the War c) Lady of the Lamp
31 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What can you see in the pisture and what is it? a) Victoria Cross b) Albert Cross c) War cross
32 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What can you see in the picture and what is it? a) Albert Hall b) Albert Museum c) Victoria and Albert Museum
33 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER Where are the Victoria Falls? a) In Uganda b) In Kenya c) In Zimbabwe
overview-of-the-victorian-era-and-timeline overview-of-the-victorian-era-and-timeline ea_01.shtml ea_01.shtml VESELÝ, K.: The English speaking countries – Reálie anglicky mluvícíh zemí. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství s. 34 POUŽITÉ ZDROJE