Fact finding on Zimbabwe By Sharon Rupapa
Colours of the flag and what they represent. The colours on this flag all stand for something in Zimbabwe like, GREEN: Agriculture. YELLOW: Minerals. RED: Blood shed in the war. BLACK: The people WHITE: Peace. BIRD: African fish eagle.
Zimbabwe means House of Stone. It is named after the 11 th century, ancient city made of granite rocks only. No cement was used and it still stands today
The currency The money has lost value and people are now using US dollars.
Did you know fact! Did you know Victoria falls in Zimbabwe is the second biggest natural waterfall in the world but the biggest natural waterfall is Niagara falls in Canada!
Did you know fact! Victoria Falls is the widest in the world covering 1.7km and 108m deep It is also called Mosi-oa- Tunya, meaning ‘The smoke that thunders’
My Dad actually grew up in Victoria Falls