LIU–PLI report LIU Project Team meeting
LIU - Planning & Installation Coordination Meeting Space Reservation & Engineering Change Request - Guideline 22 January 2015LIU PLI meeting - J.Coupard2 All changes (beam line or services) which might impact other equipment or space volume (survey, transport…) have to be declared in an ECR The integration studies have to be done before the ECRs (at least preliminary studies) The ECRs have to be presented in the LIU-PLI coordination meeting before circulating EDMS The ECRs have to be RELEASED before the execution of the work (the sooner the better) Objective 2015 : All upgrade works for LIU have to be declared in a Space Reservation if the ECR cannot be yet submitted during the course of 2015 Contacts: T.Birtwistle for PS-Complex & S.Bartolome for SPS EDMS Templates: Space Reservation Request (SRR) Engineering Change Request (ECR) MS Word older than 2013: MS Word New My Template PS Complex or SPS MS Word 2013: MS Word New Shared template PS Complex or SPS Templates and Guidelines for Engineering Change Requests :
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced PSB 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard3 ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Beam instrumentationNew tank for screen at injection (BI.BTV30)End 2016Delphine GerardYes Beam instrumentation Turn-by-turn transverse profile monitor for ring 3 (matching monitor): section 4L1 Earliest possible date: YETS 2017/2018 (but not absolutely essential for operation with Linac 4) Federico RoncaroloYes Beam instrumentation Install new Beam Loss Monitors at injection, injection section, ring, extraction and transfer (3 different types) End 2016 (cabling!)Christos ZamantzasnoYes Beam instrumentation New tanks and cameras for screens at extraction: BT.MTV30 LS2Delphine GerardYes Beam instrumentation Provide additional wire scanners (new design):sections 11L1 and maybe 4L1 LS2 – on critical path (but: current system as redundancy) Bernd DehningYes Beam Intercepting DevicesPSB collimator/scraper Study started; to be installed during LS2 Francois-Xavier NuiryYes Magnets Deliver operational main INJ/EXT bending magnets (2 yokes, 4 coil sets) Assembled by Q1 2018A. NewboroughnoYES Magnets Modify main magnet cooling, shimming and saturation layout During LS2A.A. NewboroughYES MagnetsDeliver magnets for BT, BTP, BTM transfer linesTo be installed during LS2A.A. NewboroughYES MagnetsDeliver new B-train system Prototype built and tested by end 2017, final system installed during LS2 Marco BuzioYes Power ConvertersPSB injection septa Power Converters Delivery date currently 2018, end deadline being reviewed Serge pittetnoYes Power Converters PSB injection chicane PC + chicane compensation trim PC Delivery date currently 2018, end deadline being reviewed Serge pittetnoYes Power Converters Provide new PSB Main Power Supply (MPS) + Trims + control electronics By mid-2018 installed in new building; commissioning during LS2 Serge pittetnoYes PSB Extraction and Transfer Provide extraction kicker (BE.KFA14L1) and recombination kicker (BT1/4.KFA10) Magnets manufactured end 2016, to be installed during LS2 luc sermeusnoYes RF Systems Transverse Feedback: 800 W power amplifier, new PU head amplifiers and new (digital) electronics All to be delivered by summer 2016Alfred BlasyesYes RF Systems 2/4/16 MHz (C02/C04/C16) cavity consolidation studies and Finemet cavity beam studies Current baseline: Finemet Upgrade. Decision process in place: end 2015 Mauro Paoluzzi Matthias Haase noyes Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced PSB Not defined 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard4 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Beam Intercepting DevicesProvide head- and tail dumps Ready summer 2015; to be installed in BI.SMV10 Damien Grenier Beam Intercepting DevicesProvide H0/H- dumps Ready end summer 2015; to be installed in chicane magnets Damien Grenier Cooling and Ventilation Provide cooling for newly installed or upgraded equipment Summer 2017Stefano Moccia Cooling and Ventilation Provide cooling & ventilation infrastructure for BRF2 modifications Study not yet started; not yet budgeted Stefano Moccia Cooling and Ventilation Provide cooling for newly installed or upgraded equipment LS2Stefano Moccia Electrical Systems General service for new Main Power Supply (MPS) building End 2017Clement Bovet Electrical SystemsUpgrade of LV general services distribution systems Replacement of General Services Switchboards (installed circa 1979), update of UPS power, normal and emergency lighting, distribution cabling and socket outlets. James Devine Magnets Magnetic measurements of main bending and quadrupole spares To be finished by end 2017Marco Buzio New PSB Injection Region Relocate modified KSW1L1 magnet to PSB period 16, build new pulse generator. Wim Weteringsno New PSB Injection Region~0.36 Tm required from BI.BVT for Weteringsno New PSB Injection Region New BI.SMV,4 mm thick septum and 70 mm horizontal aperture for ~ MeV with associated new pulse generator. Wim Weteringsno New PSB Injection Region Performance increase of 1.9 in ∫Bdl of BI.DVT30, BI.QNO30, BI.QNO40, BI.DVT40 Wim Weteringsno
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced PS 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard5 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Beam InstrumentationNew IPM in SS82 M. Sapinski - R. Veness - D. Bodart yes Beam Instrumentation Second IPM Ionization profile monitor BGI Location to be defined All new cables, power and aqn M. Sapinski - D. Bodart yes Beam InstrumentationNew plus faster BLMs BI - Ewald Effinger; Christos Zamantzas yes Beam InstrumentationSlow BLMs BI - Ewald Effinger; Christos Zamantzas yes Magnets Skew quadrupoles. 20, conception end magnets end ready for LS2 Can be anticipated during TS yes Location to be definedD. BodartnoYes Magnets New vertical corrector 20 DVT Conception JUNE dispo END Can be anticipated during TS yes Location to be definedD. BodartyesYes Magnets Insertion quadrupoles magnets can have production started in 2015 or 2016 and then installed Can be anticipated during TS yes New installation Location to be confirmedD. BodartyesYes Magnets Injection bumpers JAN 2015 for iteration - Delivery end installation LS2 Can be anticipated during TS yes D. BodartnoYes Beam dumps New beam dumps (PS internal beam dumps not adequate for safe operation with LIU-type beams) New beam dumps 47 or 48 F.X. NuirynoYes Beam dumps New beam dumps Location tbd (replace ‘ralentisseur’ for first turn dump) F.X. NuiryyesYes 2 GeV injectionNew injection extra kicker New kfa45 or 53 T. Kramer + J. Borburgh yesYes 2 GeV injection New injection septum 42.. Appropriate new power converters J. Borburgh – J. M. CraveroyesYes Vacuum New vacuum chambers 42 Try to advance the installation of the chambers before LS2 J. HansennoYes VacuumNew vacuum chambers 41J. HansennoYes VacuumNew vacuum chambers. SS41J. Hansennoyes
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced SPS 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard6 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Beam Instrumentation Replacement of obsolete MOPOS electronics, plus new fibre backbone. Replacement of obsolete BLM electronics, using MOPOS fibres. Replacement of wirescanners with new devices. Improvement of BGI, BSRT, IMM and Head-Tail monitors Wire Scanners (LSS4, LSS5) Mechanical Installation L.JensenYes Beam Instrumentation Replacement of obsolete MOPOS electronics, plus new fibre backbone. Replacement of obsolete BLM electronics, using MOPOS fibres. Replacement of wirescanners with new devices. Improvement of BGI, BSRT, IMM and Head-Tail monitors Upgrade Fast Ring BCT (LSS3/LSS5) L.JensenYes New TIDVG core Replace present TIDVG core with improved version. Robust against present and future LHC beams Located in LSS1R.LositoNoYes ZS improvements Improvement of pumping, impedance reduction, improvement of ion trap connections, short-circuiting of anodes All works are located at BA2B.BalhanYes 200 MHz low level improvement Consolidation of drivers, cavity controllers, HV power supplies, CV and power couplers. Low-level improvement (replace obsolete system with new digital control) LSS3 works W.Hofle / P. Baudrenghien Yes Extraction protection upgrade Replacement of TSPG4/6 by upgraded versions with better robustness and protection of MSE J.BorburghYes 200 MHz power upgrade Rearrangement of RF cavities into new configuration with 2 additional 1.4 MW power plants, and 2 extra cavities. Reduce impedance by 15% and double RF voltage to allow operation with very high RF current. Located in LSS3E.MontesinosNoYes New wide band transverse damper New intra-bunch damping system in vertical plane to damp instabilities from TMCI or ECI. W.HofleNoYes
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced SPS Not defined 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard7 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContactApproved? SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) New external high energy beam dump New dump block based on TED design in existing beamline, using extraction already in place and new switchign series of magnets. Will allow dumping of high intensity LHC beam during setup. B.GoddardNo - July 2015 Replace power supply of MSE septa Replace MSE/T convertors with higher stability versions, possibly with faster pulse, G.Le GodecNo - date tbc? aC coating of vacuum chambers Coating of all SPS main magnets and drift chambers to supress electron cloud. Coating to be done with chamber inside magnet, in ECA5 workshop. P.CruikshankNo - July 2015 Impedance reduction vacuum flanges Jaime Perez EspinosNo - July 2015
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced IONS 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard8 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) LIU ions SPS injection upgrade Addition of new kicker, thin in-vacuum septum, dump and BI to allow injection of ions with 50 ns rise time. MKP 100 ns rise time BA1 (Surface)J. UythovenNoYes LIU ions SPS injection upgrade Addition of new kicker, thin in-vacuum septum, dump and BI to allow injection of ions with 50 ns rise time. MSI-V new septum LSS1J. UythovenNoYes LIU ions SPS injection upgrade Addition of new kicker, thin in-vacuum septum, dump and BI to allow injection of ions with 50 ns rise time. New Ion injection dump LSS1J. UythovenNoYes LIU ions SPS injection upgrade Addition of new kicker, thin in-vacuum septum, dump and BI to allow injection of ions with 50 ns rise time. Beam instrumention for injection upgrade J. UythovenNoYes ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) LEIR Dump Dump in extraction channel, allowing to safely and cleanly dump the ion beam when not desired by PS or LHC yes ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Linac3 - LBS New spectrometer line after connection of Linac4 to PSB Magnets Pierre Alexandre Thonet Dominique Bodart yes Linac3 - LBS New spectrometer line after connection of Linac4 to PSB Power convertorsJean-Marc Craveroyes Linac3 -ITL (LEBT) Rematched optics in Low Energy Beam Transport, between source & RFQ Einzel-lens installation Giulia Bellodi Detlef Kuchler yes Linac3 -Beam InstrumentationFaraday Cup Federico Roncarolo Sergei Sadovich yes Linac3 -Beam InstrumentationSEMGrids Federico Roncarolo Sergei Sadovich yes Linac3 -Beam InstrumentationPepperPot Federico Roncarolo Sergei Sadovich yes
Follow-up of SRR and ECR to be produced Linac4 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard9 Space Reservation Requests Engineering Change Requests ActionDescriptionDetailsContact SRR needed (yes or no) ECR needed (yes or no) Connection of the Linac4 at 160MeV H- Dismantling of a part of the Linac2 Change of the magnet BHZ.20 New sectorization (Civil Engineering, Access System, Chicanes, Shielding) Modification of the power converters Cabling Cooling & Ventilation ? Interlock ? J. Coupardnoyes Modification of the measurment line LBE JB. Lallementnoyes Connection of the Linac4 at 50MeV p Dismantling of a part of the Linac2 Change of the magnet BHZ.20 New sectorization (Civil Engineering, Access System, Chicanes, Shielding) Modification of the power converters Cabling Cooling & Ventilation ? Interlock ? J. Coupardnoyes
Follow-up of SRR and ECR 18-Jun-2015LIU-PLI Report - J.Coupard10