32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan 2011-12.


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Presentation transcript:

32 nd Meeting of Executive Committee of NHM for approval of Annual Action Plan

1 National Scenario 2 State Scenario 3 4 State Proposal for Summary of Action Plans

National Scenario

4 State-wise details of Districts included under NHM Sl. No. Name of State/ UTTotal No. of Districts in the State No. of Districts include till date No. of Crops covered 1.Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Delhi Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar Puduchery248 Total

NHM : Achievements Enhancement over CropsArea (%) Production (%)Productivity (%) Fruit Vegetable Plantation crops Spices Flowers

NHM : Achievements Availability of Fruits: YearPopulation(million)Production Availability(gm/persons/day) (000 MT)

NHM : Achievements YearPopulation(million) Production Availability(gm/persons/day) (000 MT) Availability of Vegetables:

NHM : Achievements

Export of Fruits : Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT Qty( )Value( )Qty( )Value( ) Apple Banana Grapes Mango Papaya Sapota Total

NHM : Achievements Value in Rs. Cr Qty in MT Qty( )Value( )Qty( )Value( ) Cauliflowers Onion Peas Potato Sweet Potato Total Export of Vegetables: Tomatoes Cassavas

YearAllocationRelease NHM : Financial Rs. In Cr

State-wise position on Release and Expenditure ( ) (Rs. in crore) State USB ( ) ReleaseExpenditureUSB ( ) Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Delhi Lakshdweep Andaman & Nicobar Pondicherry Total SHM

NHM : Physical Area Expansion: Fruit11.88lac ha Flowers 1.26lac ha Spices 3.80 lac ha M&A Plants 0.58 lac ha Plantation Crops 1.30 lac ha (As on web posting)

Area Coverage till (lac ha)

Area coverage during (Lac ha)

NHM : Physical  Rejuvenation of 3.24 lakh ha of senile plantations  Adoption of IPM programme in an area of 8.56 lakh ha, besides establishment of 1563 IPM/INM infrastructure facilities such as bio- control labs, plant health clinics, leaf tissue analysis labs, disease forecasting units.  2281 nurseries have been established for production for quality planting materials.  Creation of community water tanks.  An area of 1.49 lakh ha was brought under organic farming, besides establishment of 1.16 lakh units of vermin-compost units.  Assistance has been provided for establishment of pack houses, 339 cold storages, 32 refer vans besides creation of 34 whole sale markets and 216 rural markets, 14.6 lakh MT Cold Storage capacity has been added.  Training of 9.30 lakh farmers.

18 State-wise position on Release and Expenditure ( ) (Rs. in crore) State USB ( ) ReleaseExpenditureUSB ( ) Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Delhi Lakshdweep Andaman & Nicobar Pondicherry Total SHM

Performance wise Status of States Best States in terms of area expansion related activities during to are Maharashtra followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Kerala,Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Best States in terms of PHM and Market related activities during to are Karnataka followed by Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana Orissa and Rajasthan.

Annual Action Plan(AAP) Budget Provision for Rs 1200 crore. Tentative Allocation to States was communicated on 17 th February,2011 to submit AAP based on Strategy and Road Map prepared for horticulture development during for next three years. Allocation was made based on the performance of State/utilization of funds during to (XI Plan). Progress of and draft AAPs of States were discussed thread bare in two meetings held on 24 th March and 7 th April,2011,under the Chairmanship of JS(NHM).

Annual Action Plan(AAP) Based on the discussion, final shape is available in the form of proposed allocation in the respect of 17 States, except Delhi which is not contributing State share during XI Plan. Proposed allocation is placed before the Executive Committee for consideration and approval. State wise details of horticulture scenario, performance and proposed Action Plan follows.

State Scenario

Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS : ANDHRA PRADESH Rs. in Lakh

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: ANDHRA PRADESH COMPONENTUNITTARGET ACHIEVEMEN T Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.143 Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.6110

Andhra Pradesh : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

Andhra Pradesh: Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion MushroomsHa Maintenance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management Awareness Development of Data base on Hort. Statistics G. Total

Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh BIHAR

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: BIHAR COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM (Pack house, CS, RV etc) No.15

BIHAR : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

BIHAR: Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)+FLDNo Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh CHHATTISGARH

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: CHHATTISGARH COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.8665 Community Tanks/Wells No PHM (Pack house, CS, RV etc) No Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.24

CHHATTISGARH : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

CHHATTISGARH : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion MushroomsHa Maintenance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management Awareness G. Total

Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh GOA

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: GOA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.68 Community Tanks No.00 PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No. Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.10

GOA : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

GOA : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintenance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa. 6 Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha GAPHa. 8 Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo. 10 Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo. 12 BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh GUJARAT YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditur e Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: GUJARAT COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.9146 Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No.133 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.16

GUJARAT : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

GUJARAT : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion MushroomsHa Maintenance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management Awareness G. Total

Year Release Total Funds Expenditure % Expd Unspent Available Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh HARYANA

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: HARYANA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.63 Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.1413

HARYANA : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

HARYANA : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)+TDNo Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh JHARKHAND YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: JHARKHAND COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No.2314 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.17

JHARKHAND : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

JHARKHAND : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnitPhy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Front Line Demonstration (FLD)No Human Resource Development (HRD)No Special Interventions Mission Management+Awareness TSG G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh KARNATAKA YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: KARNATAKA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.8025

KARNATAKA : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

KARNATAKA: Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnitPhy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Front Line Demonstration (FLD)No Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS : Rs. in Lakh KERALA YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: KERALA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM (Pack hs, CS, RV etc) No.21 Markets (TM, WS, RM, FI etc) No.41

KERALA : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

KERALA : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnitPhy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Front Line Demonstration (FLD)No Human Resource Development (HRD)No Kuttanad Package Idukki Package Kerala State Agency for expansion of Cashew Cultivation Horticulture Census Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

Year Release Expenditure Unspent Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS: MADHYA PRADESH Rs. in Lakh

MADHYA PRADESH COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No.116 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.17 PHYSICAL PROGRESS:

MADHYA PRADESH : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

MADHYA PRADESH : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)+TDNo Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: MAHARASHTRA Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: MAHARASHTRA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No HRD (No. of Farmers) No PHM & Market Infra No.10

MAHARASHTRA : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

MAHARASHTRA : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Front Line Demonstration (FLD)No Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: ORISSA Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: ORISSA COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No.7724 PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No.7572 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.490

Orissa : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

ORISSA : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: PUNJAB Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: PUNJAB COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No.142 Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.4946

Punjab : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

PUNJAB : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: RAJASTHAN Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: RAJASTHAN COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No.8159 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.17

Rajasthan : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

Rajasthan : Action Plan S.N O ACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: TAMIL NADU Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: TAMIL NADU COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No.00 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.76

Tamil Nadu : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

TAMIL NADU : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 Year + HDP projectHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa./no Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)+TDNo Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: UTTAR PRADESH Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: UTTAR PRADESH COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.3910

Uttar Pradesh : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

UTTAR PRADESH : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnitPhy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming+ Vermi compost UnitsHa GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Front Line Demonstration (FLD) Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total

FINANCIAL PROGRESS: WEST BENGAL Rs. in Lakh YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditure% Expenditure Unspent Balance

PHYSICAL PROGRESS: WEST BENGAL COMPONENTUNITTARGETACHIEVEMENT Area Expansion Ha Rejuvenation Ha INM/IPM Ha Organic Farming Ha Protected Cultivation Ha Nurseries No Community Tanks No PHM ( Pack House, CS,RV etc ) No.4934 Markets( WS, RM, FI etc.) No.2813

West Bengal : Production & Productivity FruitsVegetableFlower LooseCut Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Productivity (MT/ha) Production (in LMT) Production (in lakh Nos.) (National)

WEST BENGAL : Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Promotion of IPM/INMHa Adoption of Organic Farming.Ha GAPHa Post Harvest Management & MarketsNo Creation of Water resourcesNo Protected cultivationHa Horticulture MechanizationNo BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness+Survey G. Total

YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditur e % Expenditure Unspent Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS: PUDUCHERRY

S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new gardens / Area Expansion+MushroomsHa Protected cultivationHa BeekeepingNo Human Resource Development (HRD)No Mission Management+Awareness G. Total PUDUCHERRY : Action Plan

YearReleasesTotal Funds Available Expenditur e % Expenditure Unspent Balance FINANCIAL PROGRESS: A & N Islands

A & N ISLANDS: Action Plan S.NOACTIVITYUnit Phy Target Fin. Outlay % 1 Plantation Infrastructure and DevelopmentNo Establishment of new garden – Fruits (Perennial & Non Perennial)Ha Maintentance 1 & 2 YearHa Rejuvenation/ replantingHa Protected cultivationHa BeekeepingNo HRDNo Mission Management+TSG+Awareness G. Total

(Rs. in crore) S.No.Name of State/UTOutlay for EC’s approval Out lay (GoI share) 1Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal A&N Islands Puducherry Total States

Overall Targets during  Area expansion in 2.18 lakh ha  Rejuvenation of lakh ha of senile plantations  Adoption of IPM programme in 0.84lakh ha + Infrastructure  Setting up of 5705 nurseries for production for quality planting materials.  Creation of community water tanks.  Adoption of organic farming in 0.50 lakh ha + establishment of vermi- compost units.  Setting up of 6694 Nos of PHM infrastructure besides creation of markets.  Training of 1.66 lakh farmers.