York Catholic District School Board Mental Health and Addiction Initiative April 23, 2013 “Supporting student mental health and well-being, through effective implementation of research based programs and strategies” School Mental Health Assist
Goals of the Initiative 1. Reduce stigma of mental health and addictions 2. Early identification and intervention 3. Build resiliency in our children and youth
Strategies to Achieve our Goals Ensuring that we have the optimal organizational conditions to support mental health and well-being Promoting and building staff capacity in their understanding and awareness of mental health and addictions Facilitating timely access to mental health and addiction supports Selecting and implementing evidence- based mental health promotion and prevention programming
Results of the Board Scan Student mental health is very concerning As a Board we believe that student emotional well-being is very important to academic achievement
3 Key Areas of Concern 1. Anxiety 2. Depression and Stress 3. Aggression and Bullying
The Tiered Support System Evidence Based Clinical Intervention: Day Treatment Programs Outside agency support Residential Programs Hospital Placements Targeted Evidence Based Prevention: Student Services Staff Intervention COMPASS Mental Health Nurses TD Center Alternative Education Safe Schools Second Steps Curriculum Initiatives: Healthy Schools TRIBES Second Step Anti-bullying Programs Grade 9 Religion, Self – Harm Unit Tami
York Catholic District School Board Mental Health and Addiction Initiative Research Department Resource Staff Psychology Behaviour Resource Speech and Language Physical Management Communications Officer Student Services Management Team Curriculum Religion/Equity ESL STUDEN T MENTAL HEALTH Community Partners COMPASS Mental Health Nurses Police, Hospitals Community Agencies Private Practitioners Director of Education Superintendents of Schools, Curriculum and Exceptional Learners Principal Elementary Principal Secondary Student Success Lead Parent and Student Voice SEAC OECTA CUPE Board of Trustees Mental Health Leads Tina D’Acunto Dr. Schrine Persad Rick Miraglia Steering/Implementation Team Membership - TBD Wellness Co-ordinator