Chapter 9: Design Guidance and Design Rationale Kevin Juang David Bate Will Rodes
Topics Sources of Design Guidance Standards Guidelines Style guides Design Principles Simplicity Structure Consistency Tolerance Accessibility Design Rationale
Design Guidance User Interface Standard A set of internationally agreed design principles or approaches Most common is ISO 9241 Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) Situations to use Detailed starting point for development Publicize its use Client requires it
Design Guidance Design Guideline Suggestion that is in between design principle and design rule in terms of detail
Design Guidance Style Guides Collection of design rules and guidelines Commercial or customized Situations to use Applied starting point for development Target users already familiar Associate with certain products
Design Principles Simplicity Keep the interface natural to the users Break down complex tasks into subtasks
Design Principles Structure Group related features Use metaphors
Design Principles Consistency Leverage user’s mental model to aid learning and satisfaction Can enforce using style guides or GUI code reuse
Design Principles Tolerance Use constraints Provide helpful error messages Emphasize recoverability Forward error recovery Backward error recovery
Accessibility The Principles of Universal Design W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Section 508
Design Rationale Record Design decisions Reasoning behind those decisions Format Table sorted by date Brief text with illustrations when appropriate Advantages Record design thoughts for future reference Communicate design decisions to others Aids technical support and marketing