Presenter : Audrey Thompson, Social Work Librarian, Howard University. Using Information Resources in Developing a Course Syllabus Application to a course on Social Policy
Premise A course syllabus or outline that identifies supplementary and required readings promotes and supports student learning. Inclusion of relevant information sources in a course syllabus adds value to instruction. The resources of HU Libraries when used effectively by patrons (faculty and students), enhance learning, teaching and research.
Purpose of Presentation To demonstrate how the resources of Howard University Libraries may be used to develop and enhance a course syllabus or outline. To introduce relevant databases and appropriate search techniques. To improve information search and retrieval skills.
Method: A course in Social Policy has been selected for this demonstration as its applications are legion. Objectives and assignments are extracted from a real syllabus. Resources available via Howard University Library System are used for this demonstration.
Social Policy : the demonstration course Objectives To critically examine ethical dilemmas in policy practice To critically assess the policy formation process To develop policy writing and oral persuasion skills to critically analyze how to influence, formulate, and lobby for policies
Social Policy : the demonstration course Objectives p. 2. To critically assess the policy implementation process To investigate opportunities and strategies that address oppression and discrimination through social and economic justice To critically evaluate the impact of policy practice on diverse populations, with a focus on the Black perspective
Social Policy: the demonstration course Assignment Present an oral testimony re a Bill ( Include Expectations ). Prepare a written testimony in support of or opposition to pending legislation a) Who has sponsored the Bill b) Status of Bill (use direct sources) c) Bill Number and Title d) Your position on Bill (include reasons) e) Talking points (include evidence and experience to support stated position)
Search Strategy : The Sterling Catalog Start with STERLING: the Howard University Library Catalog for background material and books, media etc. Use Books in Print (BIP) for items not included in STERLING.
Search Strategy : Follow with Periodical Resources Periodicals Databases Recommended 1. Lexis-Nexis (Congressional Hearings, Legislative history, Testimonies. (full text) 2. PAIS (index only) 3. Social Sciences Full text 4. Political Science Abstracts (abstracts only) 5 ScienceDirect (some full text) 6. JSTOR (full text available) 7. Proquest (full text available) 8 Social Work Abstracts (abstracts only) 9. Ebscohost 10. Wiley Interscience 11. Medline
Search Strategy: Next - Internet Resources Internet Sources (recommended): 1. Influencing State Policy- links to policy study organizations 2. Center for Law and social Policy - Examples of testimonies 3. Library of Congress THOMAS legislative database 4. Website gateway to government informationwww.statepolicy.orghttp:// 5.
Search Strategy : Objective 1 To critically examine ethical dilemmas in policy practice Suggested Keywords: ethics, policy. Note policy may be public, or federal or government and country may be United States. Specific applications – Nutrition, health, drug importation
Search Strategy - Objective 2 To critically assess the policy formation process Keywords: policy formation process, government, federal Specific applications: health, nutrition, drugs, etc.
Search Strategy - Objective 3 To develop policy writing and oral persuasion skills Keywords: policy writing, oral persuasion, persuasion Synonyms : debates and debating
Search Strategy : Objective 4 to critically analyze how to influence, formulate, and lobby for policies Keywords: lobbying policy, lobbying
Search Strategy : Objective 5 To critically assess the policy implementation process Keywords: policy implementation process Specific applications: health, nutrition, etc
Search Strategy : Objective 6 To investigate opportunities and strategies that address oppression and discrimination through social and economic justice Keywords: oppression, discrimination, social justice, economic justice, justice, etc.
Search Strategy : Objective 7 To critically evaluate the impact of policy practice on diverse populations, with a focus on the Black perspective Keywords: policy (government, federal), African Americans, Blacks, Minorit* Specific applications: health, nutrition, drugs
Social Policy Assignment – demonstration of the Lexis/Nexis database Present an oral testimony re a Bill ( Include Expectations ). Prepare a written testimony in support of or opposition to pending legislation a) Who has sponsored the Bill b) Status of Bill (use direct sources) c) Bill Number and Title d) Your position on Bill (include reasons) e) Talking points (include evidence and experience to support stated position)
General hints for effective library research for syllabus development In formulating a search strategy, Use keywords and synonyms of keywords if you are unsure of the subject term used by the database.Use the boolean terms: “or” to broaden, “and”, “not” to narrow your search Refrain from using full sentences or statements as search terms Keep records of successful search strategies to be used again Review the subject fields of Sterling records for Library of Congress subject headings relevant to your topic and explore other items assigned to those headings.
General hints for effective library research for syllabus development, p.2 In searching periodical databases, check "peer reviewed/refereed " for scholarly journals Review subject terms used to describe or classify an article, and references cited at end of article hints and ideas for more effective searching in that database Do keyword search in Books in Print (BIP) for newer books which may not yet be in the library's collection Keep records of citations of relevant items found.
General hints for effective library research for syllabus development, p.3 Include citations of relevant items in outline or syllabus as required or supplementary readings. Before the semester starts give copy of outline or syllabus to subject bibliographer so required readings can be acquired (if necessary) and placed on reserve for your class.
Summary The resources of HU Libraries when used effectively by patrons, can enhance learning, teaching and research, You should now be better skilled to explore those resources and adapt your findings effectively. Library research including periodical database searching as you should have realized, is not an exact science. The more one practices the better one gets. Thank you for participating.