Proposed NSLS X13B Microdiffraction Instrument Source & Optics James M. Ablett National Synchrotron Light Source
NSLS 2.8 GeV X-ray Storage Ring
MGU EPW X13 Straight-Section
NSLS 'Hard' X-Ray Sources Photon Energy [keV] ◊ MGU ◊ IVUN NSLS Bending Magnet X21 / X25 Wigglers X17 Wiggler X13 Wiggler 1 st Harmonic 2 nd Harmonic 3 rd Harmonic Log [ Brightness ( ph / sec / mm 2 /mrad 2 / 0.1% BW / 300 mA) ]
X13 Undulator Source The Mini-Gap Undulator [MGU] – the brightest source of hard x-rays (E ~ 3.7 keV –16 keV) at the NSLS. MGU parameters: 54 pole, 1.25 cm period At a gap of 3.3 mm, Magnetic field = 0.92 Tesla and Deflection Parameter, K~ keV, 4x10 17 ph/sec/mm 2 /mrad 2 /0.1%BW/300mA
x x x10 17 Brightness (ph/sec/mm 2 /mrad 2 /0.1%BW/300mA) Calculated Experiment Photon Energy [keV] 4x Photon Energy [keV] Log[Brightness (ph/sec/mm 2 /mrad 2 /0.1%BW/300mA)] MGU Spectral Measurements (August 2002 Ablett,Berman ) MGU Brightness – Magnetic Gap=3.3 mmMGU Tuning Curves
Current X13B Beamline Status monochromator hutch numbers (in meters )indicate distance from center of X13 straight-section, where MGU is located.
Specifications The X13B microdiffraction instrument will be modular and compact in design, which will make available a variety of x-ray optics for the experimentalist. Focused X-ray Beams on the micron-length scale and below, together with low and high x-ray divergence will be available with these optics.These will be mounted on a motorized rails and will be readily accessible. Pink Beam (Laue) and Monochromatic modes of operation will be available.- Energy tunability will be accomplished through a 4 bounce monochromator.
Distance from MGU source [meters] detector circle four-bounce mono tank x-ray microfocusing optics diffractometer vibration isolation table X13B Microdiffraction Instrument Layout vibration isolation table
Suite of Optics offered Pin Holes Capillaries KB Mirrors Zone Plates Planar Refractive Lenses (Current R&D)
Key Features: Achromatic - Energy independent focusing- pink beam and monochromatic modes Accurate Elliptical Figures Achievable (either by bending or metal deposition ) – Small Spot Sizes High Reflectivity at Grazing Incidence Angles Kirkpatrick-Baez Elliptical Mirrors Heavy metal Polished spherical Silicon substrate
Vertical blade scan current derivative Horizontal blade scan current derivative blade position [ microns ] ~ 3 microns FWHM ~ 9 microns FWHM …differentially-deposited elliptical KB optics have been used at X13B during the past few years, designed primarily for high-pressure x-ray spectroscopy. X13B Microprobe
3.7 mm 3.3 mm Calcium K Fluorescence Mapping of Osteoarthritic Bone
3cm 10 cm 2cm 25 m to MGU source focal position incident x-rays Preliminary KB layout Expected Parameters 1 micro-radian figure error Spot size – 0.7 x 2 micron 2 Divergence – 1mrad (v) x 7 mrad(h) 8 keV, 6x10 9 ph/sec Gain 5x10 4 With Figure Error (1 micro-radian)
Position [mm] Intensity [arb. Unit] X13B Microprobe R&D Efforts -Planar Refractive Lenses (K. Evans-Lutterodt, J.M. Ablett)
Summary A state-of-the-art hard x-ray microdiffraction instrument is proposed for NSLS mini-gap undulator beamline X13B. It will offer a variety of x-ray microfocusing optics – micron scale spatial resolution and below & high and low divergence. Big-beam (unfocused ) mode. Pink Beam and Monochromatic Modes of Operation. Simultaneous fluorescence and diffraction information.