As you arrive, please participate in the poll, selecting the set of colors that appeal to you the most. Type your preference into the chat function
Design Basics a presentation for NeighborWorks VISTAs by Jess Oxley
What we’ll cover Color choice Typefaces Basic layout Writing basics
My mantra Keep everything: Accessible Meaningful Understandable
Color choice: general vocab Monochromatic Analogous Complementary Triadic Color palette
Color choice: complementary
Color choice: analogous
Color choice: triadic
Which one did you like best? 1 2 3
Color choice: choosing your palette Don’t go overboard You need three colors, max –Primary –Secondary –Accent Stick with your palette Make your color usage meaningful
Typefaces I’m a serif I’m a sanserif I’m an art font
Typefaces Choosing your type palette One serif, one sanserif used consistently Be careful when selecting –Size –Color
Layout Using a grid Creating contrast –Color, size, art elements
Writing basics KISS Concise Punchy, strong vocabulary No long blocks of text –Images, bulleted lists