Film Advert Video game Music video Banner ad Info graphics TV show
Film Scott Pilgrim vs the world gOQ gOQ
Advert Sky christmas advert V3CM V3CM
Video game Tomb raiderhttps:// xXZzoLlu4 7:35-8:45https:// xXZzoLlu4
TV show Lost girl openinghttps:// 1wWaT9nN48https:// 1wWaT9nN48
Music video Daughtry -long live rock and rollhttps:// J7uQjohttps:// J7uQjo
Banner ad Interactive car insurance adhttps:// H2Paxghttps:// H2Paxg
Info graphics Different types of info graphicshttps:// mhXTD9o4https:// mhXTD9o4
Script: Hello. My name is Natasha Wright and today I'm going to explain the uses of motion graphics in a wide range of genres and different media Motion graphics are everywhere you look these days - in film, TV, special effects and games. I'm going to look at seven different examples. Motion graphics is really about providing information and special effects for the viewer in a way that is entertaining and engaging. My first example is a film sequence from Scott Pilgrim VS the world In Scott Pilgrim VS the world, the titled character falls in love and starts dating a girl called Ramona Flowers but he soon learns that to date Ramona and to have a smooth and successful relationship he must fight and defeat her seven evil exes. The 2010 comedy film shows this is a very interesting and different film by giving the film a real life video game vibe, it does this by using special effects, 3D animation, animated text, replicate and 3D layers. The 2015 Sky TV Christmas advert shows the wonders and amazing experiences you can get by subscribing to this broadband supplier in the form of a young girl not eating her vegetables and going through different worlds of film to show the viewer just what to expect if you subscribe. It shows them that you could be part of these wondrous worlds by using Film, 3D animation and a green screen. The 2013 Tomb Raider game has amazing quality of scenery and characters and a great plot that made it a successful and popular game but that wouldn't of happened if it weren't for the 3D display of weapons and skills which when scrolled through would come towards the player to emphasize the game and what was needed to be done throughout and the advances that had to be done to complete and promote the game. The TV show Lost Girl is about mythical creatures called ‘Fae' living in secret amongst humans but about a certain Fae called Bo, who was raised among humans not knowing anything about her mythical side. She helps both 'light' and 'dark’ Fae as she won't chose a side to join and chooses humans instead. Each episodes begin with a cold open; followed by the opening title sequence showing the top four main actors, series creator and show title, accompanied by the Lost Girl Theme song. Over the top of the sequence and theme song is the voice-over monolog by the protagonist, Bo, summarizing her story. The theme is done by transitioning animation to video and using morphing and filters on certain characters and objects. This music lyric video about rock and roll by Daughtry uses animated text, animating objects throughout the video, using a variety of typefaces, light effects, banner ad and animates it all in time with the music. While the artist sings about growing up during the time that rock and roll was popular and the main genre of music at the time. The banner ad example uses a drop down logo, blurring text and interactive 3D animation to promote the companies car insurance. You have to click on the ad and interact with it by typing in the numbers that are displayed using your keyboard, while this is happening the car fixes itself to promote that their car insurance is the best and that they will get everything down quicker than other insurance companies. The info graphics uses animation and moving graphics to pass information or to promote something to make the subject of what it is about less boring and more imaginative and exciting.