Warm-Up Write a reminder about the test – have it stamped! Update your Table of Contents for today! Don’t forget to submit/turn your cartoon in today! Get your Milk Lab Guide out from last class so I can check your Reflection Questions & we can go over them! Get a whiteboard, marker & eraser! DateSession # ActivityPage # 1/27 & 1/28 8 Evolution Review Station Answer Sheet 16
“THE BIG QUESTIONS” What is evolution? How does biological evolution happen? What is the evidence to support biological evolution? What do we do with this evidence?
Fact or Crap? If you believe that the information given on the slide is truthful & accurate simply write FACT on your whiteboard If you believe that the information given on the slide is NOT accurate information write CRAP on your whiteboard, AND THEN WRITE A CORRECT STATEMENT!
Fact or Crap? Darwin’s 4 Principles of Natural Selection are: – Overproduction – Variation – Mutation – Selection
Fact or Crap? It is the genotype that is ultimately responsible for an organism’s ability to survive
Fact or Crap? A cheetah preying on the weakest member of the antelope herd is an example of Darwin’s idea of Survival of the Fittest
Fact or Crap? A good example of evolution would be the leaves on the trees changing every season
Fact or Crap? Most living things leave a fossil behind for scientists to use as evidence of evolution
Fact or Crap? Phenotype is referring to an organism’s DNA
Fact or Crap? Humans evolved from chimpanzees or apes
Fact or Crap? Similar development of embryos in different species is evidence of a common ancestor at some point in the past
Fact or Crap? Any two animals can mate, that’s how a new species is created
Fact or Crap? All evolution is a natural occurrence
Fact or Crap? Biological classification can also be referred to as taxonomy
Fact or Crap? Speciation is caused by genetic mutations
Homologous, Analogous or Vestigial? Homologous: – same structure, different function – evidence of a common ancestor Analogous: -different structure, same function -evidence of common environmental demands Vestigial: – remnants of ancestor, no longer useful
Homologous, Analogous or Vestigial?
skeleton made of cartilage use gills to get oxygen from the water in which they swim don't nurse their young don't have hair skeleton made of bone go to the surface and breathe atmospheric air in through their blowholes do nurse their young do have hair — they are born with hair around their "noses"
Homologous, Analogous or Vestigial? Wisdom Teeth – remnants of a longer jaw that held more teeth from a “chewier” diet
Homologous, Analogous or Vestigial?
Remnants of a 3 rd eyelid
Evolutionary Trees What can an evolutionary tree show us?
Station Review We will complete Station 1 together – it is a video station After the video, visit each of the other stations and write the answers to each of the questions your Evolution Review Station Answer Sheet that will be taped into page 16 after it has been checked off as a grade!
Station 1: Salamander Video Salamander Study in California
Stations 2-8: Get as much as you can done today! Make sure your answer sheet is taped into page 16 so that you don’t lose it! You will have time to finish the stations next class, but you MUST show them to me for a grade by the end of next class!
Warm-Up Write a reminder about the test – have it stamped! Update your Table of Contents for today! Complete the Warm-Up on Phenotypes & Genotypes! Find your Evolution Review Station Answer Sheet from last class…if you lost it you need a new sheet! DateSession # ActivityPage # 1/29 & 1/30 9 Evolution Review Station Answer Sheet (already entered from last class) 16 Reviewing Genotypes & Phenotypes Warm-up 17
Warm-Up The warm-up is a review of phenotype & genotype…what is the connection between them?
Agenda For Today 1) Complete Evolution Review Stations – be sure to show me your completed sheet for a grade – INFORMAL GRADE! 2)Understanding Evolution WebQuest – ideally it will be turned in to the basket before the end of class for a grade, but if you don’t finish it becomes homework – FORMAL GRADE! 2)If you finish both you can create 5 realistic multiple choice test questions WITH AN ANSWER KEY for 5 extra credit points… THIS OPTION MUST BE TURNED IN BY NEXT CLASS BEFORE THE TEST!
HOMEWORK: Study For Your Test! A-day: Tuesday, Feb. 3 rd B-day: Monday, Feb. 2 nd Study all of your notes, PowerPoints on the wiki page, any labs or class activities & your Evolution Quiz! Use the website from the WebQuest as a study guide if you need additional review or clarification on specific topics!
Warm-Up Write your homework – leave it to be stamped! Update your Table of Contents for today! Put your Understanding Evolution WebQuest in the basket! You will need some type of technology to review…your phone is fine, Chromebook if you don’t have anything else! DateSession # ActivityPage # 2/2 & 2/3 10 Understanding Evolution WebQuest (tape in after it is handed back with a grade) 18
Kahoot! Go to Kahoot.it Type in the code for the game!
After the Test Put your test in the basket! Start a new Table of Contents for our “Biology Unit” Log on to my wiki page and open the “Intro to Biology” PowerPoint under 3 rd quarter, today’s date and complete the note guide. – This information should be review so I don’t want to spend a lot of class time on it, but you are responsible for knowing it! I will be checking that you completed these notes for a grade, so they need to be completed by next class!