National 5 English Course Overview
You will develop your skills in the following areas: READING WRITING LISTENING TALKING
What you will do: Study literature from several genres (poetry, prose, drama & media) At least one genre will consist of Scottish texts Develop your ability to write creatively Develop your ability to research a chosen topic and present your understanding in an argumentative or discursive manner Develop your ability to listen to a discussion (from audio/visual media) and talk about its content. Develop your Close Reading skills
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (UNITS) In order to ensure that you are working at the required standard to sit the exam you will also complete a series of internally assessed units: WRITING CLOSE READING/TEXTUAL ANALYSIS TALKING & LISTENING
1. Analysis and Evaluation a) Close reading task: You will be expected to read a poem/piece of writing and demonstrate your understanding through completing close reading analysis questions. b) Listening/Watching and Talking Task: Watch a programme/clip of teacher’s choosing as a stimulus for group discussion. Answer ‘media’-type questions about what you have watched.
2. Creation and Production a)Piece of writing – This will be as a response to a stimulus such as a clip/TV prog/news article etc. Everyone will write the same type of piece (creative or discursive) of between words) b) Talk (Group OR Debate OR Individual) on a topic – might link to class text or attached to piece of writing (a)
Pass or Fail!
Portfolio a) 1x Creative (Imaginative or personal reflective) b) 1x Discursive (Argumentative/Persuasive) Both essays will be developed throughout the year. Between words long. Will be externally assessed. (March) 30% of overall mark.
EXAM 2 x papers: READING FOR UNDERSTANDING 1 x Close Reading (30%) CRITICAL READING 1 x Critical Essay about a studied text (20%) 1 x Textual Analysis of Scottish literature (20%)
How to Prepare?! Read lots over the summer hols! Novels Newspapers Decide discursive topic Folder. Dividers. Lined paper.