08/26/13 * Remember to fill out your planner!!!
Agenda Book Talk on : The Giver
Quick Write: Read
Share!!! *With a partner discuss what you wrote in your quick write. *Does anyone want to share with the class?
District Writing Assessment: Take out a piece of lined paper. You will be doing a plan today and it is timed. You have 25 minutes to do your plan I cannot help you.
D.W.A. Prompt: Agree or Disagree with this statement: It is better to have brothers and sisters than to be an only child. Write an essay in which you take a stand on this statement, explain your reasoning, anticipate opposing views, and convince readers of a parents magazine that your thinking is correct.
A Long Walk to Water What do you notice about the cover? What might this story be about? Where might it take place?
A Long Walk to Water Listen to the blurb and write down anything that you think may be important for your understanding of this text. Nonfiction Narrative Nya (2008) Salva (1985)
A Long Walk to Water Listen to chapter 1 as I read. Take notes on Characters and important events that you hear. I will pause occasionally to allow you time for this
A Long Walk to Water Write down: What memory do you have of your family? What might Salva decide to do during this raid?
A Long Walk to Water Discuss with your group
Debrief Questions??? Or feedback.