presented by the Hampton Public-Service Team & Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Klub (SPARK)
Class Introduction
Instructor Contact Info Chris Hosman, KC4F Cell Phone: (757) Robert Uiterwyk, W3AF Cell Phone: (570) Stu Flechner, N4STU Cell Phone: (757) Addison Inge, AA4AV Cell Phone: (757) Ed Shuman, WD0FYV Cell Phone: (757) Don Mertz, KJ4MZ Cell Phone: (757) Howard Waxman, KO4GS Cell Phone: (757)
Introductions State your name and a little about yourself. Why are you taking this course? What do you know about ham radio?
Course Overview Welcome to Amateur Radio Radio and Signal Fundamentals Electricity, Components, and Circuits Propagation, Antennas, and Feed Lines Amateur Radio Equipment Communicating with Other Hams Licensing Regulations Operating Regulations Safety
Expectations Class will start and end on time. Instructors will be prepared to teach. Students are expected to read assigned material before each class session and be prepared to learn. Ham radio is not a spectator sport. Active participation during class discussions is vital to success in obtaining your Technician Class License (ticket).
Class Goal Our goal during this class is for each of you to achieve the Technician Class Amateur Radio License! The license will authorize you to operate an Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) transmitter.