Making a Difference in Education through Innovation in Technology Harold Javid, Ph.D. Director – Education Research Programs Microsoft Research
Research is about answering questions
Technology should give more It should go beyond old approaches Create new possibilities – Can we: Increase access to excellent education! Teach science and math to the next tier! Create new tools for teachers!
Improvement through technology
How can technology improve teaching and learning?
Gaming Student-developed computer games Use of computer games to teach CS concepts Pair programming & mentorship Use of MMORPGs to teach language Simulating behavior of real-world situations Multiplayer competition and cooperative play Gaming Student-developed computer games Use of computer games to teach CS concepts Pair programming & mentorship Use of MMORPGs to teach language Simulating behavior of real-world situations Multiplayer competition and cooperative play Tablet PC In-class submission of assignments w/ real-time instructor feedback Real-time annotation of PowerPoint slides by instructor Groups of students working on single Tablet PC Use of Tablet PC in real-world settings Tablet PC In-class submission of assignments w/ real-time instructor feedback Real-time annotation of PowerPoint slides by instructor Groups of students working on single Tablet PC Use of Tablet PC in real-world settings Robotics Hands-on manipulation of robots Writing code to direct robotic action and sounds Open-ended assignments in which students are encouraged to experiment, play and be creative with robots Robotics Hands-on manipulation of robots Writing code to direct robotic action and sounds Open-ended assignments in which students are encouraged to experiment, play and be creative with robots Experiential Learning Experiential Learning Faculty- Student Contact Problem- Based Learning Problem- Based Learning Prompt Feedback Active Learning Active Learning Collaborativ e Learning Collaborativ e Learning Factors that improve learning
Robotics and Gaming bring people to CS Institute for Personal Robots in Education (IPRE) Hosted at Georgia Tech with Bryn Mawr College Vision: A Personal Robot for Every Student Program
Tablet - Tablet PC
Tablet It has on it a diagram of a square with 30 on one side, the diagonals are drawn in and near the centre is written 1,24,51,10 and 42,25,35. Of course these numbers are written in Babylonian numerals to base Now the Babylonian numbers are always ambiguous and no indication occurs as to where the integer part ends and the fractional part begins. Assuming that the first number is 1; 24,51,10 then converting this to a decimal gives while √2 = Calculating 30 [ 1;24,51,10 ] gives 42;25,35 which is the second number. The diagonal of a square of side 30 is found by multiplying 30 by the approximation to √2. This shows a nice understanding of Pythagoras's theorem.Pythagoras ml
Tablet PC
Tablet PC – Collaborative Education
Looking Forward Games for Education – will they make math and science more accessible? How can surface be leveraged to improve teaching and learning? How can social networking improve collaborative and distance education?
So... It’s about imagining how technologies can be used to improve education. It’s about technology research. It’s about pedagogical research. It’s about finding a way to measure whether we have made a difference.