How to Power Point? Title Page 1.Pick background- color, design, or picture (Click on Insert or Design)
Pick font size and style (Click on HOME ) Create additional slides-(click on HOME, then new slide) Need additional help-
Use clip art or pictures from the internet. (copy and paste) (Click on Format) Send pictures to the front or the back
To add shapes (go to INSERT ) To add graphic Organizers (go to INSERT)
Animation-Click on ANIMATION Want CUSTOM ANIMATION – (Click on Custom Animation, highlight words, click on add effect.
ASSIGNMENT Part I-Compare and Contrast either – Islam and Christianity – Islam and Judaism – Judaism and Christianity – Christianity and Islam
You can Use a Venn Diagram Use Pictures (min. of 10) Use min of 10 slides Include 10 facts in each area differences and similarities. 30 in Total
Part II- Use Microsoft word or Glogster Create a POSTER About one of the Muslim Empires Mughal, Ottoman, and Safavid etc. Include title and a min. of 5 pictures Include 10 characteristics: –Date –Geography –Leaders –Achievements –10-15 additional facts using complete sentences
Send to Go to your Open new document Attach your file-power point and Microsoft word Sent to my Mrs. VanVield’s address below; put in the address window. Click SEND