Electrical Engineering WENDY FRANCO
Job Description Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism
Required Training Bachelor's degree in engineering is the first step towards professional certification After completing a certified degree program the engineer must have work experience before getting certified Once certified the engineer is designated the title of Professional Engineer
Skills & Characteristics Pay attention to what customers are telling you Understand the problems and solutions Be a good speaker and listener Always know what to do and be ready for anything
Wages EmploymentEmployment RSE Mean hourly wage Mean annual wage Wage RSE 174,5501.4%$46.05$95,7800.4%
Job Outlook Employment of electrical and electronics engineers is supposed to grow 4% from 2012 to Job growth is expected because of all the people wanting to and starting to get into electrical engineering.
Professional Association American Society for Engineering Education ( AT&T Labs Research ( California Lighting Technology Center ( Electric Power Research Institutes ( IEEE Computer Society (
Job Listing Electrical engineering deals with the motion of electrons in metals Work focused on: - large electrical systems - motors and generators - electrical circuits in buildings - power transmission systems - electrical generation plants