New approaches to the study of the nucleus Juha Äystö New approaches to the study of the nucleus Juha Äystö Thanks to H. Fynbo, K. Jungmann, P. Kienle, K.-H. Langanke, M. Lindroos, T. Nilsson, K. Riisager,… Muons, pbars & Exotic nuclei Muons, pbars & Exotic nuclei
PHYSICS ISSUES ? stable + decay - decay decay p decay spontaneous fission Explaining complex nuclei from basic constituents Effective nuclear force – Origin of pairing interaction Magic nuclei and shell structure far from stability The size of the nucleus: halos and skins Limits of nuclear existence and its implications The end of Mendeleev’s table: superheavy elements Understanding the origin of elements Testing the Standard Model Applications in materials and life sciences
Example: neutron-rich Zr isotopes Spectroscopic studies: Beta decay experiments on 97 Zr, 99 Zr, 103 Zr Prompt ff – ray coincidence experiments on 99 Zr: W. Urban et al., Eur. Phys. J. A16(2003)11 98,99 Zr: Nucl. Phys. A689(2001) Zr. C.Y. Wu et al., Phys. Lett. B541(2002)59 Collinear laser spectroscopy Zr: P. Campbell et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89(2002) Direct mass measurements with a Penning trap Zr: S. Rinta-Antila et al., Phys. Rev. C, in press Spectroscopic studies: Beta decay experiments on 97 Zr, 99 Zr, 103 Zr Prompt ff – ray coincidence experiments on 99 Zr: W. Urban et al., Eur. Phys. J. A16(2003)11 98,99 Zr: Nucl. Phys. A689(2001) Zr. C.Y. Wu et al., Phys. Lett. B541(2002)59 Collinear laser spectroscopy Zr: P. Campbell et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89(2002) Direct mass measurements with a Penning trap Zr: S. Rinta-Antila et al., Phys. Rev. C, in press ”Ground state changes from spherical to deformed via coexistence”
P. Campbell, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89(2002) S. Rinta-Antila et al., et al. Phys. Rev. C, in press Charge radii Two-neutron binding energies
neutron drip valley of stability add 37 neutrons experiments Drip line???
For most exotic species we need more sensitive methods: ion by ion experiments new probes: muons, antiprotons,...
Standard probes of nuclei Mass, size and electromagnetic moments Radioactive decays Nuclear reactions elastic scattering Coulomb excitation Fusion Transfer Electron scattering Interaction cross sections < 1 mbarn ! Standard probes of nuclei Mass, size and electromagnetic moments Radioactive decays Nuclear reactions elastic scattering Coulomb excitation Fusion Transfer Electron scattering Interaction cross sections < 1 mbarn !
Muons ( - ) and radioactive atoms/ions Formation of - atoms ( free ~ 2.2 s) Slowing down in matter (~ ns) Atomic capture in high-l state (n~14) Bohr radius ~ n 2 /(Zm) Binding energy ~ (Z 2 m)/n 2 Cascade down to n =1=muonic 1s orbit (<< ns) Auger electrons muonic X-rays (keV MeV) L arge cross section (~ cm 2 ~ 10 8 b !!!)
Muonic atom X-ray spectroscopy nuclear rms charge radii (charge moments) accuracy a few am with e-scattering + optical isotope shift data accuracy 1 am (<10 -3 ) nuclear polarization effects Physics to be extracted Isotone shifts vs. isotope shifts nuclear structure far from stability Isobar charge distributions charge breaking asymmetry in mirror states Ground state parameters of Fr, Ra isotopes P&T violation in atoms C.Piller et al., Phys. Rev. C 42 (90)182
Nuclear muon capture follows naturally muonic atom formation “inverse - decay” capture rates can tell something about nuclear structure E. Kolbe et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 11 (2001) 39 produces exotic nuclei at high excitation energy structure up to several 10 MeV several multipoles excited medium spin states renormalization of g A in nuclear medium Nuclear astrophysics, scattering (supernova), post-processing, … Neutrino physics -- N Z -- N Z
Probability of nuclear - capture ? Capture lifetime ( 48 Ca) ~ 0.6 s nuclear capture dominates over free muon decay e - + e + For Sn ~ 0.09 s and for Pb ~ 0.07 s !
~0 78 Ni 0.2 s 78 Cu 0.34 s 78 Zn 1.5 s 78 Ga 5.5 s 78 Ge 88 m 78 As 1.5 h 78 Se N=50 Z=28 1 10 2 10 4 An example: Cu 78 Ni * +
particles: at nearly rest in space at relativistic energies Merging beams in Storage rings cm STORAGE DEVICES Low-Z Solid / Liquid catcher at K temperatures Penning or Paul traps
Estimates for muonic atom production rates: based on 10 8 /s (low energy) on 10 8 atoms/cm 2 nested ion & muon trap: rate 10 /s solid hydrogen: rate 1 /s (P. Strasser & K. Nagamine) superfluid helium: rate similar to solid H or better? 4 control of the movement of ions/muons by E fields 4 thin surface layer / high packing density 4 (see poster of P. Dendooven)
In-trap spectroscopy Annular -detector -detector CE- detector Ion cloud CP detector Ions in 118m In CE-decay at REXTRAP L. Weissman, F. Ames, J. Äystö, O. Forstner, K. Reisinger and S. Rinta-Antila, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 492 (2002) 451
Antiprotonic radioactive atoms ProcessObservableDeduced quantity Physics Capture in high orbit (atomic x-sections), cascade Antiprotonic x- rays O(MeV) Annihilation orbit, energy shifts Matter distributions, neutron vs. protons on nuclear surface, … Annihilation (n>7) on peripheral nucleon De-excitation , particles, daughter activity n vs. p annihilation VOLUME 87, NUMBER 8 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 20 AUGUST 2001 Neutron Density Distributions Deduced from Antiprotonic Atoms A. Trzcin´ska, J. Jastrze ¸bski, and P. Lubin´ski Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University, PL Warsaw, Poland F. J. Hartmann, R. Schmidt, and T. von Egidy Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, D Garching, Germany B. Klos Physics Department, Silesian University, PL Katowice, Poland (Received 28 March 2001; published 2 August 2001)
Collider Technique Production of neutron rich nuclei: Fragmentation at medium energies or ISOL method + post acceleration Storing of products in a cooler ring Production of antiprotons with GeV protons (site dependence?) Cooling and storing of antiprotons Transfer in collider rings (Paul Kienle, GSI Future workshop, Oct. 2003)
Antiproton-Ion-Collider is proposed to measure –total/partial cross sections of antiproton absorption by RI nuclei –rms radii of n-p and their differences
Antiproton Absorption Yields of A-1 isobars with (N-1) or (Z-1) Absorption proportional to of neutrons or protons Exclusive recoil spectroscopy
Luminosity Unbunched beams
Conclusions Muons and antiprotons offer an attractive method for high-sensitivity measurements on exotic nuclei Charge and mass distributions obtained via atomic X-rays absorption experiments Excited states probed via unique muon capture process Request for muons and antiprotons thermal muon source of ~10 8 muons/s antiproton storage ring with ~10 9 p/s Two RAMA workshops organized in CERN and Trento Future: Working group should be set up in connection with SPL study