WILGA k61/10 Search for cosmic rays from gamma ray bursts Marcin Molak Faculty of Physics Warsaw University of Technology
WILGA k62/10 Plan of presentation: UHE and EHE Cosmic Rays Origin of UHE Cosmic Rays: –Astrophysical Sources (bottom-up mechanisms) –Top-down scenarios Methods of CR Detection Roland Mazé Project description MazePi system Plans for future…
WILGA k63/10 UHE and EHE Cosmic Rays Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays – CR with energy ≥ eV Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays - CR with energy ≥ eV
WILGA k64/10 Possible origin of UHE Cosmic Rays Astrophysical Sources (acceleration scenarios): –Pulsars and magnetars – neutron stars with surface magnetic field up to Gauss (acceleration of charged nuclei up to eV) –Active Galactic Nuclei and Radio Galaxes (extragalactic sources) -> photo-pion production (up to eV) and acceleration in hot-spots of Fanarotf-Riley II galaxies (up to eV, no adiabatic deceleration problem)
WILGA k65/10 Possible origin of UHE Cosmic Rays Astrophysical Sources –Quiet Black Holes – up to eV for mass of 10 9 M Θ. –Colliding Galaxies and Cluster of Galacties –Gamma Ray Burst Top-down scenario –Very massive X particles decay into EHE CS Hybrids Models
WILGA k66/10 - Lorentz factor of shock matter Z – charged of the nucleus B – magnetic field value R – linear dimension of object Possible origin of UHE Cosmic rays
WILGA k67/10 Methods of CR Detection Direct measurements (spacecraft or satellite), ex.: Energetic Gamma ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) Scintillation detectors in ground arrays for UHECR extensive ray showers (EAS), ex.: Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA) Water-Cherenkov detector, ex.: Multi- Institution Los Alamos Gamma Ray Observatory (MILAGRO)
WILGA k68/10 Roland Maze Project Detection points would being placed on the roofs of Lódź schools. Each of station will be equipped with: –4 scintillation counters (1m 2 area, 10m distance separation) with ADC –GPS Motorola M12+ Timing with antenna –PC-class computer
WILGA k69/10 MazePi DB MazePi System Station 1 Station i Maze IPJ Łódź Main Server SOAP Clients MazePi Server SOAP Web Services DB Trigger Trigger Broadcast System Pi Server Pi DB PiMan SOAP Clients …
WILGA k610/10 Plans for future… Develop SOAP web services Prepare database triggers and broadcast system Construct and mount detectors on all high school Check Gamma Ray Burst and cosmic ray coincidence (full spectrum)