Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 1 Promoting Cleaner Production in the Value Chain Burton Hamner, MBA, MA President, CleanerProduction.Com
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 2 CP and Sustainable Business is a consequence of a set of behaviors n 1.Good accounting n 2.Employee Participation n 3.Networking and benchmarking n 4.Life cycle management n 5.Customer eco-satisfaction
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 3 1. Good Accounting n Understand the true full cost of waste n EVERYONE underestimates the cost of waste n Activity-Based Costing is the leading accounting approach n With the costs right, investment analysis can be done
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 4 Process Maps for Cost Data
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 5 2. Employee Participation n No one ever succeeded at CP by themselves n Employees are often only ones who really know why waste happens n Simple analysis tools help employees solve problems n With cost baseline in place, employee financial incentives are possible
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 6 Find the True Cause of Waste
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 7 3.a. Networking n MOST firms don’t know all the resource available to help them n Have examples to show what other resources can do n Clustering of firms can increase info resource use n Peer-to-peer networking promotes best practices n Training in internet resources also helps n Firms need someone who is the “Networking Expert”
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 8 3.b. Benchmarking n Focus on Best Practices for Competitiveness n Can benchmark technologies, processes or management strategies n Key is to get comparable metrics n Direct competitors are not best benchmarkers; find related but non-competitive firms n Very fashionable business approach
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 9 4. Life Cycle Management n Focus on upstream and downstream resource issues n Upstream: What risks do suppliers face and how do suppliers pollute YOU? n Downstream: What impacts do products have on customer’s own enviro performance? n Leads to risk analysis and risk reduction strategies
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner Customer Eco-Satisfaction n Focus is on product design; improve the CUSTOMER’s eco-performance! n Requires analysis of customer concerns; how do You pollute Them? n Show customers how you can reduce their waste cost and other enviro problems n Produce a company CP report with details of improvements n SALES staff are key for training
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 11 Life Cycle Scoping n How to Promote CP to Suppliers and Customers? n Focus on sustainability of business partners n Focus on life cycle industries n Scoping identifies the key enviro concerns for specific industries
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 12 Life Cycle Industries n 1.Natural Resource Harvesters/Extractors n 2.Primary Producers n 3.Original Equipment Makers n 4.Direct Suppliers n 5.Distributors n 6.Customers/Users n 7.Disposers
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 13 Life Cycle Scoping Model
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 14 Executives and Internal Management – Adding Value n Executives are very concerned about their manager’s abilities n Show Executives how CP enhances competence BY DEPARTMENT n Use the Value Chain model to show new CP concepts
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 15 The Sustainable Value Chain n Shows how PROFESSIONS have evolved with CP n Focus on practical skills and tools for each department n Breaks CP into manageable pieces n CEO’s job is to ensure managers know about best practices for their jobs
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 16 Sustainable Value Chain Model
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 17 Promoting CP to Professions n CP has produced new tools and Best Practices n Emphasize effect on competitiveness n Emphasize professional learning n Use continuing education opportunities
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 18 CP in New Investment n CP is by far most successful in DESIGN n Products, processes, buildings n Do a CP analysis for all new investments n Contact INTEC for help
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 19 Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) n SRI funds are growing very fast n They are looking for good investments with CP performance and social benefits n Attract investors with your CP performance n Many new products can promote CP implementation n Produce “Mass Market Sustainability Technologies”
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 20 A New Vision for Chile? n Many products can be produced in Chile that will help all people reduce waste and pollution n Governments want the people to use these products n International investors want to invest in the factories that produce them n Can Chile become the Source for Sustainable Technologies in South America? Why not?
Cleaner Production Value Chain - Hamner 21 How to find valuable CP information on the Internet n Search for “Pollution Prevention” or “Cleaner Production” n Use the best search tool n Look for developing country examples first n n n n n