TAX-AIDE Training Workshop December 2015 Susan Millsap SC CA2 1
TAX-AIDE Content ● National Objectives ● One Support ● New Portal ● After season issues ● Satisfaction Survey Results 2015 Training Workshop CA22
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide Strategy Setting 2016 Tax-Aide Critical Areas of Focus Quality – 95% Accuracy as determine by IRS Return Reviews % Policies & Procedures instruction at Counselor Training (program site reviews) % explanation about their return and accuracy responsibility to the taxpayer (program site reviews) Security – TWO usage to 100% (CCH software ordering) Growth - Total People Served - 0% growth (Fed returns plus Q&A, MFJ & state returns only) Federal Returns Prepared - TBD by grants (IRS counts via CCH and self reported paper) Multicultural/Diversity (MME) Outreach - Multicultural (MME) Taxpayers to 22% (Customer Satisfaction Survey) Multicultural (MME) Volunteers to 12% (Direct measure VMIS and Vol Satisfaction Survey) Diversity Bundles – 40 new bundle sites (Encourage one new or expanded bundle per state) New Volunteer Portal – 100% adoption of the new volunteer portal system for DC level & above (active system login)
TAX-AIDE National Objectives ● Budgets and estimated expenses Objectives for Season ● Diversity Incentive Discuss as effects training Recruitment challenges 2015 Training Workshop CA24
TAX-AIDE 3 Year Tax-Aide Funding & Activity Total Funding $9.05 M $9.43 M $10.50 M # of Fed Returns1.58 M1.59 M1.69 M # of People Helped2.57 M2.60 M2.65 M # of Sites 5,867 5,624 5,408 5
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide 2014 Expenses $10.5M. 8 Vol T&S $4.7 M - 45% Computers, Printers Maintenance & Infrastructure $1.5 M - 15% Print Supplies $800K - 8% Print, Postage, Fulfillment $900K - 9% Comp, Benefits & Taxes $1.8M - 18%
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide 2014 Vol Expenses:$4.7 M Mileage Meetings Vol Recognition efile supplies $3.06M 66% $1.17M 25% $180K 4% $246K 5% 9
TAX-AIDE 2015 Tax-Aide Budget By Funding Source: TCE (Oct ‘14-Sep ‘15) = $ 6.68 M 57% VITA (Jul ‘14-Jun’15) = $ 900 K 10% AARP FDN (Jan-Dec ‘15) = $ 3.50 M 33% Total 2015Tax-Aide Budget = $ M Indirect AARP Foundation = $ 2.0 M (Estimate) 8
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide 2015 Projected Expenses 9.
TAX-AIDE State AZ1CA1CA2CA3CA4CA5NV1UT1UT1TOTALS PACIFICREGIONRETURNSPACIFICREGIONRETURNS Federal Accepted 50,52521,44331,44412,35827,01434,57712,2877,109196,757 State Accepted 45,53220,89531,35712,36826,65734, ,891178,366 Schedule C 2, , ,6921, ,025 Single 31,06113,79122,5558,22018,85823,7858,0453,933130,248 MFJ 16,3616,2556,2903,2296,0398,5953,5582,88053,207 MFS HofHHofH 2,7901,3442, ,9452, ,292 EITC 5,6032,3953,9911,6083,9143,8421, ,019 Total EIC $7,233,901$ 2,859,942$5,047,850$ 1,925,151$ 4,479,706$ 4,501,566$ 1,349,946$485,599$ 27,883,661 Total Child Tax Credit $3,333,844$ 1,266,684$2,494,701$866,268$ 1,653,241$ 1,757,315$761,007$312,772$ 12,445,832 Total Educ Tax Credit $583,814$103,970$447,795$88,842$266,790$256,604$106,491$43,988$1,898,294 Direct Deposit Returns 21,9359,32411,6095,07610,20513,1635,5943,39380,299 Total Refund Amt $ 37,163,252$16,191,161$ 25,799,609$ 9,352,432$20,156,541$23,047,197$10,110,404$ 5,270,495$ 147,091,091 TP over 60 38,13316,49921,5289,10319,62626,7749,5056,206147,374 Paper Federal ,111 Paper State ,833
TAX-AIDE TY 2014 Production 11
TAX-AIDE TY Production 12
TAX-AIDE LOCAL BREAKOUT MAY 2015 ● Spreadsheet shows the statistics by site. ● Includes breakout of credits claimed. ● Shows statistics with regard to age, filing status, and refunds/payments 2015 Training Workshop CA213
TAX-AIDE DIVERSITY PROJECT ● National level push Source of new funding Increased Advertising and attention ● Local level Creation means equipment bundles Comes with an advertising budget ● Recruitment and Training Challenges 2015 Training Workshop CA214
TAX-AIDE One Support ● Access via New Portal Bottom of left hand insert panel OneSupport Back Door : URL: Login Password: taxaideenduser1 ● Contains areas for all volunteer positions Can indicate preference areas to follow ● Can submit questions or concerns 2015 Training Workshop CA215
TAX-AIDE General Program Management ● General Show all 22 articles Policy and Procedures manual chapters Go to Cpt 10-Reimbursements ● For this meeting: Code is W Leader Reimbursement Expense Meals Transportation ● Client Service Providers Digest 2015 Training Workshop CA216
TAX-AIDE General Program Management ● Training Client Facilitator Training ERO Training Local Coordinator Training Volunteer Site Policy and Procedures Training Also have a link to these in the Training Area 2015 Training Workshop CA217
TAX-AIDE New Portal ● Prospects will be able to access their own information ● Hopefully all returning volunteers will be on portal Questions regarding access can be researched on One Support 2015 Training Workshop CA218
TAX-AIDE NEW PORTAL ACCESS ● Matrix showing who can do what ● Limitations are for current year ● Hopefully they will expand next year 2015 Training Workshop CA219
TAX-AIDE After Season Issues ● National Help Desk Taxpayer Inquiries ● Taxpayers communicating directly with sites or volunteers-discussion ● Areas indicating need for concentration in training 2015 Training Workshop CA220
TAX-AIDE NATIONAL HELPDESK REFERALS ● 32 After April 15 inquiries Taxpayer brought in additional Forms he/she had missed Missing Refunds Other checking account IRS not found-sent Rejected-unable to contact TP ACA Related Typographical Errors 2015 Training Workshop CA221
TAX-AIDE NATIONAL HELPDESK REFERALS Continued Taxpayer changed numbers Form omitted-Would have been OSS if included Taxpayer provided wrong information Actually prepared by paid preparer-received letter 2015 Training Workshop CA222
TAX-AIDE SATISFACTION SURVEY Methodology Methodolog y Taxpayers were given the option of completing the survey in one of two ways: – Taxpayers were given a one-page paper questionnaire, in English or Spanish, that was attached to the envelope containing the respondents’ completed tax forms.* – Or, taxpayers could choose to complete an online version, in English or Spanish, of the questionnaire. A link to the online questionnaire was provided to respondents on the written questionnaire. 23
TAX-AIDE 24 * In the past couple of years, taxpayers were given an option of placing a stamp on the BRE (business reply envelope) survey if they wanted to save money for AARP Foundation Tax-Aide. For the 2015 Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey, a test was conducted to determine if any significant differences existed between surveys that required a stamp (courtesy reply envelope) and surveys that did not require a stamp (BRE). A total of 11 Tax-Aide test sites were selected where taxpayers would have an equal chance of receiving a CRE survey or a BRE survey (Note: AARP Foundation Tax-Aide staff presorted CRE and BRE surveys, alternating between each one. Surveys were then shipped to each of the 11 Tax- Aide sites.). All other Tax-Aide sites (non-test sites) received a CRE survey attached to their Tax-Aide envelope. Responses in this report are based on results from the non-test sites. Focusing on non-test sites provides us with a good representation of taxpayers across the U.S. since a random sample was taken among all non-test site surveys. The test site surveys represent only a small fraction of the total surveys received. Results should be comparable to past years. SATISFACTION SURVEY Methodology-cont
TAX-AIDE 25 Methodology A total of 173,394 usable questionnaires were received by mail in Lakewood, CA between February 2015 and April Of these 173,394 usable questionnaires, a random sample of 3,000 was selected for this national report.* This report provides data from 2011, 2013, 2014, and All online data collection was managed in-house by AARP. A total of 2,491 online responses were received between February 2015 and April This report, however, focuses almost exclusively on the paper survey, with the exception of the Appendix. Due to demographic differences between the online and paper survey results, data from the online survey were not combined with the data from the paper survey. As in previous years, a response rate for both the paper and online surveys cannot be calculated because it is not known how many envelopes with the online questionnaire link were distributed. Percentages may not total to 100 due to rounding. SATISFACTION SURVEY Methodology-cont
TAX-AIDE How Did Tax-Aide do? 26 KEY FINDINGS
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide Satisfaction Survey 27 IMPACT
TAX-AIDE If Tax-Aide Wasn’t there? 28 OPTIONS
TAX-AIDE Tax-Aide Satisfaction Survey 29 REFUND USE
TAX-AIDE Age Source: AARP Foundation Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey ( 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011). Age of Respondents The percentage of respondents ages (31% in 2011 to 36% in 2015) and 80 and over (22% in 2011 to 26% in 2015) has increased over the past five years. 30
TAX-AIDE Annual Household Income* Income Source: AARP Foundation Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey (2015, 2014, 2013, 2011). The percentage of respondents with incomes less than $20,000 has decreased over time (37% in 2011 to 26% in 2015). 31 *Please note that these percentages were calculated AFTER excluding from the denominator the many respondents who refused to answer this question. The reason was due to the high percentage of respondents (12%) who refused to answer the question.
TAX-AIDE Race/Ethnicity Source: AARP Foundation Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey (2015, 2014, 2013, 2011). 32 Q12. Are you of Hispanic, Spanish or Latino origin or descent? *Revised wording for 2014 Q13. Which of the following best describes your race? (check all that apply) *Revised response options for 2014
TAX-AIDE Language spoken in the home* Spoken Language Source: AARP Foundation Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey (2015, 2014,2013, 2011). Is English the primary language spoken at home? What language is most often spoken in your home? Check one response. * In 2014, the question to ascertain the language(s) spoken in the home was reworded. 33
TAX-AIDE Disability Status* Disability Source: AARP Foundation Taxpayer Satisfaction Survey (2015, 2014, 2013, 2011). Question 15. Does any disability, handicap or chronic disease keep you from participating fully in work, school, household, or other activities? * In 2014, the question to ascertain disability status was reworded. 34 Question 15. Are you or a member of your household considered disabled?
TAX-AIDE Comparison of Mail and Online Survey Findings** Mail vs. Online Demographic Characteristics Mail Survey (n=3,000) Online Survey (n=2,491) Age Under 503%9%* %11%* %39%* %28%* 80 and over26%9%* No answer4%**% Gender Male30%38%* Female67%60%* No answer4%2%* Employment Status Employed full-time8%13%* Employed part-time11%12% Self-employed1% Retired and not working full- or part-time73%64%* Unemployed and looking for work2%4%* Other, such as a student or homemaker, who is not employed and not looking for work3%4%* No answer3%2%* *Indicates the attributes of online respondents that are statistically significantly different from those of the mail survey respondents. **Percentages were calculated before removing refusals. Therefore, differences in the % of mail and online respondents who refused to answer (such as for age, income, disability status,) impact the ability to draw conclusions about differences between the mail and online respondents. 35
TAX-AIDE Comparison of Mail and Online Survey Findings, cont’d. Mail vs. Online Demographic Characteristics Mail Survey (n=3,000) Online Survey (n=2,408) Income Under $10K5% $10K - $19K19%15%* $20K - $29K24%20%* $30K - $39K17% $40K - $49K11%12% $50K+13%22%* No answer12%8%* Disability Status Yes27%22%* No67%76%* No answer5%2%* Involved in AARP activities in the last 12 months Yes30%20%* No66%79%* No answer4%1%* Number of Times Used AARP Tax-Aide First time16%27%* 2-3 times29%32%* 4-6 times33%28%* 7+ times22%13%* No answer1%**% *Indicates the attributes of online respondents that are statistically different from those of the mail survey respondents. 36