Learn + Apply
1. The Holy Spirit Enabled Mary to Conceive Jesus In most angel appearances in the Bible, their first words are “fear not.” Why do you think that was not the case when the angel first spoke to Mary? In most angel appearances in the Bible, their first words are “fear not.” Why do you think that was not the case when the angel first spoke to Mary? What kind of people does God most often use? How was Mary this kind of person? What kind of people does God most often use? How was Mary this kind of person? In what ways does the Holy Spirit enable believers to do what God calls them to do? In what ways does the Holy Spirit enable believers to do what God calls them to do? In your own words, explain In your own words, explain what the angel told Mary in verses How do you think this made Mary feel? Why? feel? Why?
1. The Holy Spirit Enabled Mary to Conceive Jesus What does verse 34 indicate about Mary’s sexual purity? Why is this so significant? What does verse 34 indicate about Mary’s sexual purity? Why is this so significant? Many young adults are making bad sexual decisions. While one’s physical “virginity” cannot be restored, how can the Spirit make the believer’s heart and mind “virtuous” again? Many young adults are making bad sexual decisions. While one’s physical “virginity” cannot be restored, how can the Spirit make the believer’s heart and mind “virtuous” again? What special task might God What special task might God call you to do today? call you to do today?
2. The Holy Spirit Enabled Elizabeth to Understand the Importance of Mary’s Child How did Elizabeth’s baby respond upon hearing Mary’s greeting? What was Elizabeth’s response to Mary? Why was this the case? How did Elizabeth’s baby respond upon hearing Mary’s greeting? What was Elizabeth’s response to Mary? Why was this the case? In what ways might the Holy Spirit give us wisdom or insight into certain situations or circumstances? In what ways might the Holy Spirit give us wisdom or insight into certain situations or circumstances? How did Elizabeth view the visit of Mary? How did Elizabeth view the visit of Mary? Often, we want the Often, we want the conversation to be “all about us.” What made the difference with Elizabeth?
2. The Holy Spirit Enabled Elizabeth to Understand the Importance of Mary’s Child In verse 45, what quality of Mary stood out to Elizabeth? In verse 45, what quality of Mary stood out to Elizabeth? In what kinds of circumstances might our faith be most obvious to others—bad or good? Explain. In what kinds of circumstances might our faith be most obvious to others—bad or good? Explain. Clearly, Mary and Elizabeth were more than just relatives; they had a bond in the Spirit. What kinds of bonds have you experienced Clearly, Mary and Elizabeth were more than just relatives; they had a bond in the Spirit. What kinds of bonds have you experienced with other believers?
3. The Holy Spirit Accomplished What He Had Begun Why did Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth and travel to Bethlehem? How did this fulfill Micah 5:2? Why did Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth and travel to Bethlehem? How did this fulfill Micah 5:2? What kind of “unexpected appointments” might God use to accomplish His will in your life? What kind of “unexpected appointments” might God use to accomplish His will in your life? How should a Christian respond to things like tax hikes and unreasonable government decrees? How should a Christian respond to things like tax hikes and unreasonable government decrees? How should a Christian How should a Christian respond to immoral and unbiblical government decrees?
3. The Holy Spirit Accomplished What He Had Begun What blessings could we miss if we are too busy trying to control the events of our society and political system rather than complying with a gentle and respectful spirit? What blessings could we miss if we are too busy trying to control the events of our society and political system rather than complying with a gentle and respectful spirit? Does the text actually mention an innkeeper, a donkey, or a little drummer boy? What other extra-biblical elements have been added to the biblical account? Does the text actually mention an innkeeper, a donkey, or a little drummer boy? What other extra-biblical elements have been added to the biblical account? While we would have to While we would have to acknowledge that some of these things are petty, how could adding ideas to the biblical text be harmful? the biblical text be harmful?