Jesus The Apostle: “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the apostle and high priest…” Heb. 3:1 The Prophet: “In the past God spoke to us through the prophets…in these last days by His Son”. Heb. 1:1 The Evangelist: “I am the way…” John 14:6 The pastor: “I am the good shepherd” Jn 10:11 The teacher: “You call me teacher and Lord and rightly so, for that is what I am.” John 13:13
Every saint step out, take risk Obedience > Occasional Gracelet > Ministry > Office (reproducing self) Witness for Christ of evangelism evangelist encourage of prophecy prophet Teaching each other of teaching teacher Caring for each other of pastoring pastor Each sent out on mission of apostolic apostle pray of intercession intercessor
Survey: how person came to faith in Christ?
Sharing God's word is not imposing your opinion on others. It is offering those with a terminal disease (sin) the only cure (salvation). Is there a greater gift you can give today?
A critic told evangelist Dwight Moody, "I don't like your evangelistic methods." Moody replied, "I don't like them much, either. Tell me about yours.” The critic said, "I don't have any.” Moody: "I like mine better than yours."
Acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for you. Ask Him to forgive you and wash you of your sins. Invite Him to come into your life to be your personal Saviour and Lord.
A fisher of men is ALERT A fisher of men is AVAILABLE A fisher of men is ACCEPTING
“Jesus was born in a borrowed manger; He preached from a borrowed boat, He entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey, He ate the Last Supper in a borrowed Upper Room, and He was buried in a borrowed tomb. Now He asks to borrow the lives of Christians to reach the rest of the world. If we do not speak, then He is dumb and silent.” Leighton Ford
Lord, I ask for a divine appointment with someone this week who is in need or is looking for You. And that I could minister to them with the compassion of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.