Judges Samson
Tell me everything you know about Samson Anger and revenge can lead to painful outcomes. Broken covenants lead to Spiritual withdrawal. Our divine potential can only be reached by seeking the Lord’s will.
What do you feel the Lord wants you to accomplish in your life? What happens when we exercise our muscles? What happens when we do not use them? What blessings or abilities might we lose when the Lord’s Spirit is not with us?
Let’s read Judges 13:1–5 Then…Judges 13:8,24 JJJJudges 14:1-9
Judges Samson’s father had given his wife to a Philistine man. He caught 300 foxes, attached firebrands to their tails, and released them in the fields of the Philistines, destroying them. Samson is arrested and bound with ropes. He broke the ropes, picked up the jawbone of a donkey, and killed 1000 Philistines! Samson goes to visit a harlot. The Philistines surround the city, intending to kill Samson the next day. At midnight, Samson leaves the city and tears down the city gates, and carries the gates to the top of a nearby mountain.
Judges 16:4–5 Judges 16:16 Judges 16:19–21 Judges 16:24-30
Notice how ‘low’ things got for Samson (see Judges 16:21) Notice how ‘low’ things got for Samson (see Judges 16:21) How far into the repentance process did he get? How far into the repentance process did he get? What part of the repentance process is the biggest barrier for most youth? What part of the repentance process is the biggest barrier for most youth? Did the Lord use Samson to deliver Israel from the Phillistines? Yes? No? Did the Lord use Samson to deliver Israel from the Phillistines? Yes? No?
Samson’s Potential Miraculous Birth (Judges 13:3) A Priest of God (13:5) Born to Deliver God’s People (13:5) Kills a Lion (14:6) Spoke in Riddles/Parables (14:12) Tore Down the “Gates of Death” (15:2-3) In Death Destroys God’s Enemies (16:30) The “final” Judge
What strengths have you noticed in other class members this term?
The Lord needs valiant servants, To do his work in the latter day, Who follow the teachings of Jesus And serve his people in a loving way. I will be his servant And keep my cov’nants valiantly. I’ll stand for truth. I’ll stand for right. The Lord can depend on me. Words and music: Vanja Y. Watkins, b © 1981 IRI
Anger and revenge can lead to painful outcomes. Broken covenants lead to Spiritual withdrawal. Our divine potential can only be reached by seeking the Lord’s will.