Objective: Students will learn about digital photography, the camera, and it’s connection to artists. Students will create a digital scrapbook. Bellwork: What are some benefits of using a digital camera?
A digital scrapbook is a decorated photo album that includes not only pictures, but also words, and other items that tell about the picture.
The difference is how to photographer arranges the elements of design. A photo of the same subject can be taken repeatedly, but look different depending on the angle, lighting, and viewpoint taken by the photographer.
Main Focal Point – have a focus area, ideally one main subject and one main color. Ordinary is Extraordinary – look around to find inspiration Mood – How to you want the viewer to feel Angle – Taking pictures from different angles changes the focal point Walk Around – Take pictures of the same thing from different spots Color Your World – Color can grab the viewers attention Take it or Leave it - Know what to include… and what to leave out Tell a Story – Individual images should work on their own, but together they should tell a story. Click Away – Take many shots to ensure a wide variety Express Yourself – When taking a picture of a person, a lower camera angle focuses attention of facial expressions.
There are some sample photos in the Photoshop folder Bring digital photographs from home on a USB drive Use royalty free pictures from the Internet We have a couple digital cameras for students to share in class… however this will be on a limited basis and probably won’t work for you to get all of your pictures this way.
The first thing we are going to learn and do within Photoshop is to identify and label the different windows, toolbars, and buttons within Photoshop. I need you to go to your computers, sign in, and log in to Adobe Photoshop. I’m going to give each of you a worksheet to complete on the different parts of Photoshop, what they are named, and what they do.
Menu Bar: A bar at the top of the windows that contains menus that organize types of tasks such as File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, Window, and Help. Options Bar: A bar below the menu bar that displays options for an active tool. Tools Panel: A box on the left side of the window that holds tools for creating and editing images. Document Window: A window that displays the active open file. Panels: Boxes that contain options to monitor and modify an image. Panels can be undocked, moved, stacked, collapsed, or removed to optimize workspace. Mini Bridge: A tool that opens Adobe Bridge, which is an organizer used to locate, manage, and rename files. History: A panel that allows you to go to any recent version of the image being created in the current working session.
The tools panel has nine types of tools… in your packets try to match the tool number to the correct definition by placing the number for the tools in the box next to the definition. You have 2 minutes.
Some tools have a tiny arrow in the right corner… if you click on the arrow, a flyout menu appears displaying more tools. In your workbook explore the flyout tools and answer questions 9-15 about the flyout tools.
In Photoshop the toolbar options remembers the settings last used, even if the program is closed. This means when you use a tool with options you need to look at the settings in the Options bar BEFORE you use it. Questions 16 & 17 deal with the options menu on the Brush Tool and Horizontal Type Tool.
A panel is a box that contains options to monitor and modify an image. You can turn panels on and off, make them smaller, and move them around the window. Try it!
Now we are going to experiment with filters in Photoshop. Traditionally, photographers use different types of lenses that filter the light and change the color of the picture. These are applied BEFORE the picture is taken. In Photoshop, filters are effects used to transform the appearance of a picture AFTER the picture is taken. Today’s assignment will be the first page of your scrapbook.
You can use a picture of your own, or the Filter picture from the Photoshop folder. Open the image in Photoshop If the image is sideways, you can turn the picture by selecting Image Rotation from the Image menu.
You do NOT want to overwrite your photo, so for this reason save the picture with a new file name to your student account. Image – Duplicate Save as Last Name First Initial Filter
From the Filter menu, select Filter Gallery. A window will open that displays the image, filters, and options.
To apply a filter effect: Click on a filter category Click on a filter thumbnail to apply it to the picture Change the options for the filter by dragging the sliders. When you like the way the pictures looks, click OK.
From the File menu, select SAVE AS In the Save in: drop down box select your student account Click the CREATE NEW FOLDER button Name the folder FILTER PICTURES Double click the folder to open it Type Filter name in the File name box, for example SPONGE Select JPEG from the Format arrow. Click SAVE Click OK, in the JPEG options box.