1 Initial findings of the OECD Tertiary Education Country Report Professor Željko Dujić, National co-ordinator of the OECD Country Report working group, Croatia
2 Educational structure of the active labour force (25 – 65 years) 2001.
3 Tertiary education institutions Type of institutionNumber of institutions Enrolled students Teaching staff Schools of professional higher education 2114, Polytechnics 5+213, Universities 693,0296,578 Faculties, academies of art and institutions of higher religious education 72 Public institutes27
4 Current structure of tertiary education I cycle II cycle III cycle ECTS Bachelor Master Doctor University Studies Professional Studies (undergraduate) (graduate) (postgraduate) specialist doctoral ab specialist certificate a b
5 Accredited study programmes by University studies Professional studies UndergraduateGraduate UndergraduateSprecialized professional studies
6 Steering of the Tertiary Education System 2005 Ministry of Science, Education and Sports National Council for Science Council of Polytechnics and Colleges Science and Higher Education Funding Council National Council for Higher Education Committee for Ethics in Science and Higher Education Universities Schools of Professional Higher Education Public institutes Croatian Government Rectors’ Conference Croatian Parliament Science and Higher Education Agency Polytechnics TEI
7 Regional distribution of TEI Universities Branches of universities Polytechnics Schools of professional Higher education
8 % GDP allocated to the Ministry % GDP GDP (mil $) GDP (mil KN) Higher education ,8682 Science ,3811 Technology ,280 International ,0171 ICT ,0400 Total M SES ,334
9 Scientific projects in Croatia financed by the Ministry (2005) - Fields FieldNo of projects%Kuna% Natural sciences ,915, Engineering ,889, Biomedicine ,580, Biotechnology ,208, Social sciences ,188, Humanities ,639, Total1, ,419,00100
10 Scientific projects in Croatia financed by the Ministry (2005) - Institutions Type of institutionNo of projects% Amount (Kunas) % Universities1, ,120, Public institutes ,114, Other institutions ,942, Polytechnics , Total1, ,419,
11 Scientific projects in Croatia financed by the Ministry (2005) - Universities UniversityNo of projects% Amount (Kunas) % Dubrovnik , Osijek ,186, Rijeka ,698, Split ,979, Zadar443.51,672, Zagreb ,450, Total1, ,120,
12 Research novices – fields of study Field PhD students Post DocsResearchersTotal Natural sciences Engineering Biomedicine Biotechnology Social sciences Humanities Total2, ,492
13 Regional distribution of research novices Region No of research novices PhD studentsPostDocs Dubrovnik19 Osijek Rijeka Split Zadar56551 Zagreb1,8611, Total2,6022,419179
14 Capital investments from Central Government Budget in tertiary education
15 Capital investments of Croatian universities KunaEUR University of Rijeka (2003 – 2004)88,733,20011,675,000 University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek (2003 – 2008)180,000,00023,684,000 University of Split (2003 – 2008) 344,999,00045,394,000 University of Rijeka and SC Zagreb (2004) 70,000,0009,210,000 University of Zagreb (2004 – 2006) 490,000,00064,473,000 University of Dubrovnik (2003) 24,322,0003,200,000 University of Rijeka (2005 – 2008)490,000,00063,158,000 Total investments1,739,854,200228,928,000
17 Investments into scientific equipment Total Universities Public institutes Other institutions Total (kunas)
18 Technology policy PROGRAM HRVATSKOG INOVACIJSKOG TEHNOLOGIJSKOG RAZVITKA (HITRA) TEhnologijsko iSTraživačko-razvojni projekti (TEST) RAzvoj na Znanju UteMeljenih poduzeća (RAZUM) (Program of Croatian Innovation and Technological Development) ( Technology-Related Research and Development Projects ) (Development of Knowledge-Based Companies)
19 Cooperation of different ministries in technological development RAZUM (12 projects running, 15 in preparation) First program of the Government which supports and provide financing for development knowledge- based economy TEST (450 aplications, approved 230, finished 95 MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY, LABOUR AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND WATER MANAGMENT
20 Overall expenditure in Technological programs Year Total RAZUM , , , , ,413 TEST21.226,881, , , , ,102 Total (Kunas) , , , , ,515
21 Strategic focus of the National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Sabor RH (Parliament) Strategic plan 2004 – 2008 Programs of the NZZ Projects Grants Conferences Publications 1.Reform of higher education system in Croatia 2.Brain Gain 3.Information and communication technology 4.Biotechnology 5.New materials and new production processes 6.Environmental sciences and sustainable development 7.Socio-cultural transition from industry to knowledge – based society
22 Enrolled students GPI = 0.98 GPI = 1.21
23 Estimated dropout rate
24 Percentage of secondary school pupils who enroll in the higher education system
25 Funding of enrolled students
26 RECCOMMENDATIONS Five goals 1.Increase the number of persons with a tertiary education 2.Increasing the efficiency of the higher education system. 3.Integration into 3.Integration into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA). 4.Decentralization and change in the governance model. 5.Developing scientific research and connecting it to education.
27 RECCOMMENDATIONS Five measures for the next five-year period 1.Building a quality assurance system. 2.Change of the financing model and increasing public responsibility for higher education institutions (accountability). 3.Reform of doctoral studies. 4.Integration of universities. 5.Developing the lifelong learning system and making tertiary education more flexible.
28 Country Background Report Team Chapter 1Domagoj Račić Chapter 2Željko Dujić and Pero Lučin, Chapter 3Vedran Šošić Chapter 4Željko Dujić and Pero Lučin Chapter 5Jadranka Švarc Chapter 6Emira Bečić Chapter 7Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović Chapter 8Tihomila Težak Gregl Chapter 9Pero Lučin Chapter 10Vlasta Vizek Vidović and Ana Ružička Chapter 11Pero Lučin Statistical Annex Emira Bečić and Matija Škegro Vidović MSES coordinatorLuka Crnjaković