ASI Review Padova Scientific Activities 1 WP6200 : Padova Scientific Activities Staff Alberto Franceschini (AF) [Full Professor] Giulia Rodighiero (GR) & Mattia Vaccari (MV) [Research Fellows] Gabriele Mainetti (GM) & Lucia Marchetti (LM) [PhD Students] Anna Feltre (AF) & Svetlana Starikova (SS) [PhD Students] WP Partecipazione alla Definizione dei KP in GT WP – Partecipazione alla Preparazione dei KP in GT WP – Sviluppo di algoritmi di riduzione dati e di modelli teorici WP – Riduzione dati e analisi risultati
HerMES Blank Fields (~70 deg 2 ) HerMES MeetingData Fusion BG : IRAS 100 micron
A Multi-Wavelength Catalog of Spitzer Sources in Wide-Area Fields Spitzer Public Catalogs (SWIRE, Bootes, XFLS) –IRAC-selected –MIPS 24/70/160 always available –MIPS 24 source density generally well-matched with beam size –MIPS 70/160 larger beams increase ambiguity of XID process –Nearest MIPS 24 source is chosen as most likely counterpart GALEX always available SDSS available in the North (Astro/Photo Calibration) Miscellaneous Optical Imaging (NOAO, INT, CFHT) 2MASS always available (Spitzer Astro Calibration) UKIDSS available in XMM/LH/EN1 fields but little else Spec-Zs available (but poorly documented) from NED Extra public Spec-Zs from recent literature HerMES MeetingData Fusion
Spitzer Data Fusion as of 01 Mar 2010 HerMES MeetingData Fusion IRAC 3.6/4.5 MIPS 24 MIPS 70 MIPS 160 GALEX NUV/FUV SDSS ugriz Opt UgriZ 2MASS J/H/K UKIDSS J/K Area deg 2 ES NAESIS10858NA~7.0 XMM NACFHT ~8.5 CDFS NA NA~7.5 LH ~11.0 EN ~9.5 EN NA~4.5 Bootes670446“NA” NOAO6932NOAO~8.5 XFLS NA~4.5 An homogeneous multi-wavelength catalog of Spitzer-selected sources spanning UV-to-FIR in HerMES Wide-Area Fields SED fitting & Phot-Z computation & FIR/SMM flux prediction HerMES-Wide release for SDP fields Other fields (many already observed) ready to go
ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities5 Spitzer-Warm Observations of HERMES Fields SERVS Observations and Data Fusion AF & LM & MV are Co-Is of 1400-hr Spitzer Warm SERVS program to obtain IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 micron observations of ~20 deg 2 within SWIRE/HERMES fields Most fields already observed ten-times deeper than SWIRE Data Fusion required for Early Science Papers (due in early April) Ongoing Gemini Optical Imaging Program and miscellaneous follow-up proposals Working on Photometric Redshift and Stellar Mass estimates SERVS Data Fusion as of 20 Mar 2010
Spitzer/FIDEL maps : a fluctuation analysis ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution6 P(D) analysis is a technique developed by Scheuer & Ryle 1957 for use in the radio but extended to X-rays & IR in 1970s. P(D) analysis allows to study faint sources where the map spatial resolution is low. We can thus derive information about source number counts down to fluxes corresponding to one source per beam. We applied this tool to study background fluctuations in Spitzer 70 µm FIDEL maps to compare against Franceschini et al models. Franceschini et al Theoretic P(D) Gaussian Instrumental Noise Convolution Theoretical P(D) Gaussian Instrumental Noise Convolution Histograms are real P(D) measured inside three different aperture radius
SPIRE/HerMES maps : a fluctuation analysis ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution7 Franceschini et al We also applied this technique to the new maps from Herschel Space Observatory, in particular to the SPIRE HerMES Maps. The simulated maps are based on Franceschini 2010 model and the P(D) result is consistent whit the P(D) from real maps. This confirms the goodness of the adopted models. GOODS-N : A DEEP FIELDLOCKMAN-SWIRE: A SHALLOW FIELD 250 µm
PEP & HerMES SDP Papers ASI ReviewPadova Scientific Activities8 Giulia Rodighiero and Mattia Vaccari are respectively leading the PEP “PEP Specific Star Formation Rate vs Stellar Mass up to z~3” and “HerMES SMM Local (0<z<0.2) Luminosity Function” papers. Coordinated submission to A&A on Mar 31 st Second-generation papers soon afterwards
Where do we go from here? Over the last 3 years Padova has been consistently Contributing to SW development and testing effort by PACS and SPIRE ICCs Working on defining and planning for PACS and HERMES GT KPs In particular, we’ve been extensively contributing to PACS/SPIRE DP testing and SPIRE GUI Development Defining in detail Herschel Extragalactic Surveys “Wedding Cake” Planning and scheduling HerMES Herschel observations Obtaining essential ancillary data within HerMES Fields Consequently we’ve been Assuming a prominent role within HerMES and PEP KP teams Assigned the lead of HerMES and PEP SDP papers Fostering collaborations with colleagues old and new Placing ourselves in an ideal position to best exploit Herschel data ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution9